I'm going to talk to you about three productivity hacks that will hopefully change your life and make you happier and more productive. And here's me—but here's me in person. If you want to follow me on Twitter, here's my Twitter, SSpencer. And here are my three books—these are my three books in real life.
This is kind of heavy. Look at that. Does anyone want to commit to reading this? A thousand pages. Are you committed? Are you seriously committed? I'm going to get it, but you have to read it. It's pre-signed, you can sell it on eBay afterward.
Then, if you make notes, you can't sell it on eBay. That's The Art of SEO, which is all about how to get started. Top of Google with your website. This is called Social e-Commerce, which is all about leveraging social media to drive sales.
And then this one is the easy one, right? Less than a hundred pages. Google Power Search. This is all about how to find anything on Google, right? Everybody. Did you know you can find confidential business and marketing plans just with a Google search? You can find research reports from companies like Gartner and Forrester Research for free, which are normally thousands of dollars.
There's so much online that is just at your fingertips if you know the right kind of search. That's a pretty useful look as well. Here's a little history about me and how I got started. It kind of pertains to this whole Tony Robbins world. I started a company back in 1995. I dropped out of my PhD in biochemistry to start a company.
It was kind of crazy, right? I had no savings. I was up to my eyeballs in student loans. I had a wife at the time, you know, kids. And it was a lot of responsibility. But I'm a risk taker. I just went for it. What I did is I started an internet agency. I built websites. This was 1995, and people were still using the mosaic browser.
People just started to hear about Netscape. I founded Netconcepts, and then four years into it, I got this crazy idea that I could go live halfway around the world in New Zealand. I applied for residency, and I got in, and I figured now it's a coin toss whether I will go out of business or it will be successful, making a shift halfway around the world and hopefully retaining my clients.
I have clients like Birdseye, big names, and I thought, you know, they're probably going to leave, but hopefully they'll stay. And they say, and I was able to grow the business, and I had an office at Blackmont beach, and we had like 30 staff and everything. You really can do this internet thing from anywhere.
I'm proof of it. Part of the process of consulting and building websites and helping them get higher rankings in Google presented me with a unique opportunity because when you work to solve real-world climate problems, then you can invent new stuff. You can innovate. If you're not, if you're just sitting in a chair thinking about stuff, you're not going to invent anything.
You have to be out there in the world. I was working with a client, Kohl's Department Stores, a new shop, Kohl's. Yup, and they were frustrating the heck out of me. They just would not listen to me. They did not believe that the stuff that I was going to implement was going to ruin their site, ruin their brand.
No, this is going to be good for users and for search engines. I had to prove it to them. And I had no access to their web server or anything. What I did was I used a proxy server to interject all these changes that made the site more friendly to Google. And not actually even on their website. But yet it looked that way, and all it worked, and everything.
I was able to show this off, and they liked it. They believed that I could do this and not ruin their site. But then, a few months later, I had another client, Northern Tool, who wanted all this SEO stuff added to their site, and they had only a month to do it. And I was like, "No way, there's no possibility that we're going to meet this deadline, especially since your web server software is the wrong version. It's not going to happen."
I'm like, wait a second, I was playing around with this proxy server trying to get polls to see that I wasn't going to ruin their site. We could actually use this. In a production environment, and then they liked the idea. They loved the idea, and that was where this technology called Gravity Stream was born.
And that was the main reason why my company got acquired in 2010. NetConcepts got bought. I moved back to the States from New Zealand in 2007 with the intention of selling my business. And because it wasn't just a consulting business where you trade hours for dollars, it was also a technology company because I had this technology that I invented, and we charged on a performance basis.
That worked out really well. I had a technology software as a service company that got bought, and I had my exit. And what did I do with my money? I joined Tony Robbins' platinum partnership and spent a ton of it on Tony. Yes, so more about that later. Anyway, I have these two podcasts that you've heard about already.
Marketing Speak is one of them. This is you know, just kind of It makes sense, given my industry and my area of expertise, that I would have a marketing podcast. I've had Jay Abraham on. Who's here? Jay Abraham. He's spoken a number of times at Tony's events at Business Mastery. He's just an amazing guy.
That's one of my episodes. I'm so blessed to have such great guests. Anyway, that's for Facebook advertising and just general marketing and SEO, paid search advertising, like Google AdWords and tons of other stuff on that podcast. And there's this one, which is really my passion project, my labor of love.
I don't make any money off these podcasts, but this is what I just do; I love giving back, and this is one way I do it. In this podcast, you heard already in the intro that I just interviewed Alison Armstrong, who I'm a huge fan of. She's amazing. I've also interviewed Harville Hendrix, who is such an inspiration as well. He's a relationship expert who wrote Getting the Love You Want, a New York Times bestselling book. He's been on Oprah. Imago Couple Therapy is his invention, and it's spread throughout the world.
Here's another one: Dave Asprey, the Bulletproof executive, has both his coffee and diet. Another one of my guests. And this is all about a transformation because if I went through a transformation, which I'll show you in just a moment, and I wanted to share that transformation that started with going to one Tony Robbins event called Unleash the Power within one on the Firewall, that was the pivotal moment for me.
That was the transformational impetus for me to say I'm going to change my life, and I want to share all the knowledge, experience, and things with everybody. The podcast is the first penny for this. And then I'm going to release a book, hopefully, in the very near future. So, I figured, why not take those interviews and turn that material into a book and also share those interviews as a podcast?
That's the Get Yourself Optimized here. It was a bit of a transformation. When I went through this transformation, I spoke at a lot of conferences. This was in 2010. I was unrecognizable, and people didn't know what I was, which was pretty fun. Like, "Oh, hey, what's your name?" And like, this is, it's stuff. "What? No way. No. Oh my god."
It was a little different there, but the internal changes were bigger than the external ones. Thank you. I feel 15 years younger. I don't just look younger. See, this is me now, and that was me in 2007. I felt like I was 50 years old. Now I feel like I'm 30. Does anyone want to guess how old I am? I'm 45.
And this is the love of my life. She has a podcast, Orion. Her podcast is called Stellar Life. I met her at the Tony Robbins event. Not only did Tony allow me to reboot my life, as he gave me the kick in the pants through the fire walk and through all the other stuff that you get at Unleash the Power Within and on that Date with Destiny and all that, but actually, Business Mastery was my second event after UPW.
Who would have guessed that I would have ended up speaking on Tony's stage at Business Mastery? I would never have guessed that. When I first attended, and here's a great little story. If you ask a better question, you get a better answer. This is something that Tony teaches. Who's heard that before?
Ask a better question and get a better answer, right? I was at UPW, and I was so excited to go to business mastery, but I was in the process of trying to sell my business. And I had a set salary, I had a board of directors, I couldn't just increase my salary, I couldn't just pull money from the business bank account to pay for business mastery, they were not going to allow that.
I was not in control of my own company. I was a single board member, and I was going through a divorce. My ex-wife owned as much of the company as I did, and then we had other shareholders. Ask a better question and get a better answer. My question started with, "How can I afford Business Mastery?"
That was not an empowering question or a powerful question. Better question than I ended up asking at the event at UPW. After hearing Tony's story about ask a better question, and get a better answer was, "How can I get somebody to pay for my ticket and get in for free?" By the end of the event, I had my answer and I had my solution. I actually got in for free. I called up a friend in the industry who said he also wanted to have me come speak and train his team. But I always handed over projects to my team to implement. I didn't do any of the SEO work for myself or the clients.
I just spoke and wrote books and wrote articles and stuff like that. It wouldn't have put any money in my pocket, in other words, to go and apply to Indianapolis and do this thing. But I thought, "Oh, I'm going to call him up, and I have a deal for you. You know, you've been trying to get me for two years to come and train your team for a day. I'll do it. You just have to buy me a ticket to Business Mastery."
And he says, "Done". Boom! That's how I got into Business Mastery. But then, not even two years later, I'm actually on stage speaking at Business Mastery on the main stage. It's amazing. And I got to do two different Business Masteries in Las Vegas as a speaker.
Orion, the love of my life. I met at Date with Destiny in 2012. And what gift, so many gifts from my involvement with Tony and the peer group that we have and so forth. And the best of balls is having Orion in my life. We're going to get married in December in Costa Rica. I was so excited about that and her podcast.
Go to StellarLifePodcast.com. She has so many amazing guests as well. She just interviewed Dr. John Demartini, and that episode went live just yesterday, today. She'll be interviewing Dave Asprey in a week or two. Amazing. And this is her website, and this was us an hour, not even an hour. Can you believe that?
A fellow platinum partner, Tony Robbins, a platinum partner friend, took a picture of us. I didn't even know that she'd taken us. It feels like we were together for a lifetime. You know, I knew within just minutes of meeting her that she was the one. I proposed to her 9 days after we met. Actually, I said I love you to her 18 hours or, yeah, 18. It was 18 hours after we met.
And she said I love you back. Now, I proposed to her in a hot air balloon. And talk about a captive audience. She said no. And that was a very awkward 20 minutes while we landed.
But I'm not one to quit, so of course, we stayed together, and I knew it was only a matter of time. And she said, basically, not yet. It was a little crazy for me to say, nine days after, I'm ready, here's the ring, let's do this. Nine months after, I proposed to her again, and this was a complete surprise.
This time, it was not in a hot air balloon but at the same location where we had met, at Date with Destiny. It wasn't at the event, but it was at the venue. We ended up staying there. She put two and two together, like, "Oh, this is a great place in Palm Springs. We should go back." And so I popped the question.
This is where I lived at one point in New Zealand, just to show you that you can create your dream, and it doesn't have to. When I applied for residency in New Zealand, I had never been there and had no idea really what it would be like; I just had this intuition. Just follow your dreams because anything's possible.
If you believe it, you can achieve it. Another fun little fact is SEO (Search Engine Optimization), getting higher rankings for your website in Google, might seem a little complicated because I did hold up a thousand page book just a few minutes ago. However, it is simple enough that a child can do it.
Case in point, I have three daughters, I have a 25-year-old who was at the time 14 years old, I taught her SEO and I taught her how to blog, and she created this blog, which is called the Ultimate Neopets Cheat Site. She wanted to rank in Google for Neopets-related keywords. Who's heard of Neopets? It's a virtual pet site owned by Nickelodeon, the TV network.
And she was just so passionate about it. She was hooked. Well, why not monetize your passion and your expertise, like how to get all these extra lives and games and extra neo points and everything? And she was so excited about that. I already had some websites that helped meet passive income through Google AdSense, right?
You sign up for Google AdSense, and then people click on the Google ads that you display. It's all automated, and you get a check or you get a direct deposit, automatic payment. She'd get up to $1,100 in a month. And some months she didn't even work at all on her website. Not bad, better than flipping burgers or babysitting for a kid.
Then she started speaking at conferences because she had such a great story. She started making passive income, and then conferences like Blogher asked her to speak. And then she got in to speak at Whitehall City's marketing conference, and she's done—well over a dozen speaking gigs.
She writes for the Huffington Post and started at 17 writing for the Huffington Post. She's been on TV in front of 1. 2 million people live, and if a kid can do it, you can do it too, right? Follow your dreams. Dream big because anything is possible. I'm not going to talk to you about SEO.
I'm going to talk to you about productivity because not everybody wants to get all the technical nonsense to improve their rankings, whatever but I think everybody wants to get more happy and more productive and have more meaning, purpose and fulfillment. Who wants more of that? Awesome. Well, you're in the right place.
I learned a ton from Tony. I've invested a crazy amount of money in Tony and a lot of money in other gurus and experts. I know it's ironic to say we're gurus because, in the movie out, I'm not your guru. Tony's like, I'm not your guru. I'm kind of like anyone, but I'm seriously not your guru.
You know, you can call me that if you want, but there are many experts out there that I've learned from, and masterminds I've taken, and so forth. I've spent an insane amount of money, probably half of it on personal development. You don't have to spend that kind of money. I'm going to distill some of the best stuff that I've learned from all that investment in these next 30 to 35 months.
I invite you to stick it out to the end. I've got some cool stuff I'm going to give away at the end. Some digital downloads. And do that. And I also ask that you think of somebody who could really benefit from what I'm gonna teach you now. The reason is that your retention rate will go from, at best, 30% to like 90%.
If you put somebody in your mind that you want to teach this to, you're going to learn with the intention to teach it to others. Who's heard that the retention rate goes way up when you teach? Does everybody have in mind somebody that they think would benefit them and that they care about? Raise your hand if you have somebody that you really want to teach them this stuff again. Awesome.
This is the way of the productivity ninja. Here we go. Three hacks. Three techniques. (1) You're going to be purpose-driven. (2) You're going to have so much more structure in your life. Structure, structure, structure. (3) You're going to leverage people and processes and have a team that is high-performing and doing amazing stuff for you so that you can leverage your time much more effectively.
For example, I do not assemble my own furniture when I buy it from Ikea. That would be not a good use of my time. In fact, I don't even book the guy, the TaskRabbit guy who comes and assembles it for me. I have my virtual assistant. Find the task, and grab a guy who's going to do that.
Those are the three hacks that are going to dig into each one at a time. And I asked that you just for a momentary suspension of disbelief that you think, "Well, wait a second. I can't have a virtual assistant. I work for a living for a boss, and if I delegate some stuff to a virtual assistant, he or she would just give me more work, and that would cost me money. That's crazy. Or my boss wouldn't get me the opportunity to hire an assistant or whatever."
I am just willing to suspend disbelief, just for a little while, just for the next 35 minutes. Tony talks about BS like we've got to toss out the BS. You know, BS stands for (Belief Systems), right? Because we have these limiting beliefs, and that's just the way it is in our minds. And it puts us in a little box. Many people, when I said, "You know, I'm going to, I live in New Zealand, or I'm moving to New Zealand." You know what they said to me? "I wish I could do that." Well, you could if you wanted to. "Oh, but I can't, you know, I got family, or I got my job or whatever. I have family, I have a job, you know, I work for myself, but I have clients who live and work in the States and would be kind of put off by the fact that I'm moving out of there. And I go, you know, I have these constraints too."
But I figure out ways to work around it, so anything is possible. Let's dig into hack number (1) Be purpose-driven. When you are purpose-driven, you go from undirected to directed. You have to start with the end in mind. You have a purpose that serves as fuel to drive you.
Tony talks a lot about this method that he created called rapid planning method, which I'll talk about more in a minute. At the heart of RPM (Record Planning Method) is purpose. When you have a bigger purpose, you have that engine at full steam that gets you to point B from point A.
A question for you. Let's take just an example of a big goal. Doubling your income in the next 12 months. Who would be highly motivated to double their income in the next 12 months? But who really believes they're going to double their income in one second? Seriously? This is a foregone conclusion. Not nearly as many hands went up.
Why not? I guess that you don't have a big enough why. Tony talks about like if I were to hold a gun to your head and say, I'm going to shoot, or I'm going to gun to your loved one's head, and I'm going to pull the trigger if you don't come up with a million dollars in the next 20 minutes, or two days, or whatever. I don't know.
Who thinks they could make that happen? A million dollars in the next two days? Everybody, right? You'd find a way because you have a big enough why. Do you have a big enough why to double your income in the next 12 months? Does anyone want to share what their why is? Why would they want to do that?
I work with law studios and Compton; I would really like to support that program and see their progress. And also, I have a lot of friends.
You foster youth in Compton, and you help and want to make a big difference in their lives.
I'm on the board of directors for a program and we're a small program and were not able to support that program and I have a third child in collage soon.
You have a child going to college soon, and you're on a board with a non-profit that's doing new things. You want to really help them. How could we really take that WHY and amp it up? Right? A WHY on the steroids. Any suggestions, thoughts and ideas for how to make that WHY so much bigger?
Do you think of a specific thing that you could do for the kids? Or like a specific program you could put into place? You could actually see it, like the benefits.
See the benefit visualization. Come up with the numbers to get more specific. Smart goals are specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic in time. What if you had what's called a forcing function? There's a big difference between committing to losing weight and saying, all right, I'm going to join the gym, and that's how I'm going to do it.
The big difference between that and announcing on Facebook to all your friends is that you are going to lose such and such amount of weight, and you're going to run a triathlon in 12 months' time, and this is the triathlon that you are going to run. Big difference, right? That's a forcing function. That's an idea of really amping up your why.
Saying this is something I'm going to be so committed to, and I see that in the long future. And I've told the world about it. That's just one example. Think about how I can amp up my why and have a much bigger why. Another thing I learned was intention is everything. Intention: be intentional in everything you do.
In fact, that's an affirmation. Tony calls them incantations. They're affirmations, right? And I do them in the morning. And I jump on a rebounder on a small, what do you call it? Trampoline. I'm jumping up and down. One of my affirmations for a number of months was that I am intentional in everything I do.
Do you know how Tony does his affirmations? It's like, right? He's like putting so much energy into it. I am intentional in everything I do. I am intentional in everything I do, and I believe that now. If I go to a family reunion, I'm not just there to have a good time and reconnect with friends. I have a powerful intention for that reunion.
There's somebody that I haven't told some family member. I haven't told I've loved them before. It's just too awkward or whatever. And they're getting older. And I need to tell that person I love them, right? Or something that is just a powerful intention. You don't just show up to a meetup without a powerful intention.
You don't show up at work without a powerful intention. You don't show up at a family reunion or conference, right? Oh, I'm going to learn. I was at three different events. Last week, I was in Miami. I did a national TV appearance. And then, in Dallas, I gave a presentation. In fact, very similar one to this one.
And then I spoke in San Diego at a mastermind, a high-level mastermind where other speakers like Joe Polish and Tucker Max, big successful people, were also speaking. It was a little intimidating, but I had to be fully present and just at my best at each of those events. If you're intentional about everything that you do, you are bringing 100%. 100% presence, 100% attention, 100% of your gift. I'm all about intentionality. Also, be discerning. Not just look at stuff and say, Well, this is not really that valuable. You know, I probably skipped the Netflix binge-watching tonight, but I had a hard day, so you just plop on the couch and watch off, wasting three hours of your time.
I've done it. I've done a lot of it. But, when you're discerning about your time, then you're going to have so much more time available to you. We all have the same 24 hours a day in a day. Bill Gates, Tony Robbins, you and I all have 24 hours a day. It's how you spend it. What's more important than your to-do list is your not-to-do list.
What things am I not going to do with my time? I have such a massive to-do list, and it feels overwhelming. But then, I don't operate off my to-do list. I operate off my calendar. I schedule the stuff that I care about. This brings me to this point: I'll come back to some of these things, which is to schedule your time.
What is it? Scheduling makes it real. It's such an important concept because if you are operating off from an email inbox, these are the things I need to do because they're in my email. Who does that? Anyone? Yep. Bad idea. Because that's somebody else's priorities. Those aren't your priorities.
Schedule the things that you really care about that are going to be impactful and that are going to make a big difference in your life. Back to here for a quick question. This is an exercise I would really encourage you to do at home or at the office. I learned this from reading an article that Warren Buffet told a good friend of his to do this exercise.
Can you imagine coming up with a list of 25 goals for the next 12 months? Right? Okay. Now, can you also imagine picking 5 of those goals off that list and making those your top five? Who can imagine doing that? If we had more time, I'd actually have you do this exercise. Who's going to commit to doing this exercise?
Like seriously, who's going to commit? Raise your hands. Awesome. Okay. You're going to write 25 goals down for the next 12 months. And then you're going to circle 5 of those. Those are your top 5. And here's where the hard part comes in. All the other 20, you are going to X out, and you are not going to touch.
You're not going to work on those at all. You're not just going to get back from her or whatever. You're going on your not-to-do list. Can you say the word discipline? Yeah. You're going to have to be disciplined. And the world is going to be your oyster. Once you've mastered this technique of saying no, you're to all the nice-to-have stuff, the nice-to-do stuff, but the things that aren't going to bring your life the most meaning and the most fulfillment.
Willpower is a finite resource. Who knew that? It's a finite resource. You end up with your bottle full in the morning, and over the day, it depletes. That's why you're going to eat the junk food or whatever later in the evening, and you're actually expending, wasting, important amounts of willpower walking by a candy jar every, you know, 20, 30 minutes, whatever.
If you have a candy jar or a cookie jar in proximity, get that out of there because you are squandering your willpower on that. Eventually, you'll give in because your willpower is going to deplete over the day. And in the process, you've wasted that willpower on saying no to the cookie, which you eventually gave in to anyway.
And you could use that willpower to do something really important. Does anybody procrastinate anything? Yeah. Alright, who likes making sales calls? Like seriously? Not in an event? Come on. I mean, I like making sales calls. I love it, but I'm pretty darn good at it. So, I don't hate it.
Most people hate sales calls, but you have to do sales in order to get more business. If that's part of what's gonna make you successful, do it first thing. Get it out of the way while you have the maximum amount of willpower. I'm out. That's the core concept in Brian Tracy's book, Eat That Frog. Who's heard of Eat That Frog? Who's read it? Did anyone read it? Awesome! Yeah. Eat That Frog, you're gonna eat that frog in the morning, the thing that you procrastinate on.
Sending all those prospect emails, making those sales calls, working on that, writing a chapter for my book or whatever. Do the hard stuff right away. Another thing Tony talks about is being outcome-focused instead of activity-focused.
Who's heard of that concept? Awesome. Alright, what is activity focused? That's like just working off your to-do list—tick, tick, tick, tick. Everything's supposed to be done, and it doesn't matter how important it is or unimportant, how much it moves the needle. Whereas activity focused, it's like an arrow, uh, these are arrows in the quarter, these activities.
Tony described it. Yeah. And if you can hit the bullseye, your goal, your target, with maybe the third arrow, you're done. You don't need to work through all the rest of your arrows, all the rest of the to-dos; you don't need to take them off. That's a really important concept that has helped me in my life significantly.
Also, perfect is the enemy of done. Perfect is the enemy of done. What do I mean by that? If you're, who's a perfectionist, anyone? This is one of your biggest hang-ups because if you are a perfectionist, you have really high standards, right? So high, they're impossible standards, which is the equivalent of having no standards.
You have no standards because you don't actually do anything. What are you accomplishing? "Oh, it's not perfect yet. I'm never going to launch that thing." Well, that sucks. But yet Tony says you gotta take massive action. It's not just the little things that are got to move it a little bit forward. The things that make you feel good that you're making some progress.
But actually, take massive action. Let's say that you need to sell a house. What would be something that would be massive action?
Any ideas? Right, so hiring a realtor. Making phone calls to interview realtors. What would be not a massive action when you're selling a house?
Checking the garage.
Cleaning up.
Yeah! Cleaning up the garage, because you want to clean the garage when you're selling a house. Right? I mean, nobody's going to buy this house when the garage is a mess.
Right. And so you spend days cleaning the garage. It's not a powerful, massive action. Great example, thank you. Tony then had this thing called the Hour of Power, which was part of, again, the rapid planning of RPM. The Hour of Power you do every week, and you set yourself up for success for that week.
You decide, like, what are the powerful next actions, the massive actions I'm going to take for the week? What does my week look like? I'm going to schedule everything in. Here at RPM, you can get Tony's CDs or MP3's. It's called The Time of Your Life. It's awesome.
Hack number (2) is structure, structure, structure, structure. How we're gonna structure things for, we're gonna structure our time, we're gonna structure our data, and we're gonna structure our environment. Rick, first, I'm gonna talk about structuring your time. This is a great innovation I learned from Mike Vardy, who is a productivityist. I've had him on my podcast; it is definitely a great episode you should listen to.
Mike Vardy talks about feeding your days because if you feed your days around things that, you really need to move forward. Like, let's say you're writing a book, and Fridays are a book day. It's going to be Fridays. Mondays and book days, you're going to focus on writing those two days. Maybe you need to do a lot of prospecting for new business.
And so you got to do a lot of sales calls and so forth. And maybe Tuesday and Thursday are sales days, like sales calling and in-person meetings and so forth. Perhaps you know, like me, I'm a podcaster, and you'd have to interview a lot of people for a radio show or podcast or something like that.
I have specific theme days where I do my podcast interviews. And I try not to deviate from that and take people just any time of the week or any day of the week. What this does for me is that I do not have these different podcast interviews happening all over the place. And you know what they say, when you put the little rocks in and the pebbles in first, in the bowl, you can't fit the big rocks in.
But if you put the big rocks in, and then the pebbles, and then the sand, it all fits. If I were to put all the pebbles in, I wouldn't be able to take a big chunk of the day and work on writing my next book. Does that make sense? Well, there's another concept called focus days, buffer days, and free days.
And I learned this from Dan Sullivan, a strategic coach. Dan Sullivan, you have a focus day where you just get stuck into something, writing that book or, you know, writing that marketing plan or whatever. There are buffer days where you take phone calls and you check email and you respond to emails and so forth.
And then there are free days where you just take the day off. You do not check email; you're not available; you're not on call; you're not texting with your boss or co-workers or whatever. Doing this gives you a lot more boundaries to focus on the deep work that really makes a difference. Having focus days, maybe two focus days, Monday and Wednesday, and Tuesday and Thursday, or buffer days, and Friday is a free day, sort of thing, or however you want to work it.
Block out your day, so you're not just scheduling, like, "I'm going to work on my book on this day or whatever, but I'm going to block out these hours, and I'm not available for appointments, or phone calls, or errands, or anything because these hours are dedicated to writing the next chapter of my book. "
And then this is another innovation I got from my party. Figure out what your three absolutes are for the day. Instead of having this massive to-do list, pick three things and make them easy to achieve. Nothing daunting, like I really need to write that chapter for my book. I've been taking days to do it.
It's gonna feel bad if you keep, like, having to put that, next action that's due on tomorrow's three absolutes list and then the day after that's three absolutes list. Make it easy if you're selling your household; it'll be an easy next action to add to it. Let's say you haven't found a grantor yet.
What would be the next action you could take that you could add to your three absolutes list? Any ideas? Yeah?
Reach out to friends and ask for recommendations.
Perfect! Reach out to friends and ask for recommendations. Making phone calls for an hour to a bunch of friends who have sold their houses, find out who those realtors were that they used, and get their phone numbers.
Perfect. And that's not really that daunting. Even if you just said, well, make five phone calls, or call the one person who sold their house in a week for more than they listed it for, and get the name of that realtor.
I was going to say I'm a local realtor. You can call me.
Yeah, that's awesome. Okay, has anyone done a three-absolutes type thing? Of course. I love them a lot of times. Scheduling makes it real; I already talked about that. And then here's another key one: the morning ritual. My morning ritual includes prayer, affirmations, as I said, jumping on my rebounder, and doing a mantra, which I kind of fell out of the habit of. I do about 180 repetitions of my mantra using the prayer beads just to find out what my three absolutes are for the day.
My evening ritual, and I don't have a slide for this, but I encourage you to have an evening ritual as well. First of all, who has a morning ritual? Amazing, a whole bunch of you. Who has an evening ritual? A lot fewer.
Half as many people have an evening ritual. An evening ritual will set you up for success the next day. And it also helps you kind of close out the day. Like one of my evening ritual activities is to journal. I never used to journal. I never had a diary when I was young or anything. But I'm doing this every day, depending on the advice of my authority. This has been really helpful to kind of get stuff out of my head so it doesn't percolate over the night and bother me. It's just, okay, here's what happened, here's what I did. It's fine. feel resolved about, there are things that I feel grateful for and so forth.
Does anyone have a gratitude journal? Amazing. It's a great kind of journal to have. It really helps you get in the state of appreciation, flow, and abundance. Alright, what will you commit to incorporating into your morning ritual? Does anyone want to share something that they learned from the last few minutes? Affirmations, or three absolutes, or prayer, or whatever? Does anybody want to share?
Three absolutes.
Three absolutes. You're going to incorporate that in the room. And you're committed to that?
I am committed.
Okay, we have witnesses. And when are you committing to that by? When are you going to start?
Tonight. Amazing. Alright, I'll check in with Dan to make sure. How about you?
Same one, three absolutes.
How about you?
Affirmations, amazing! How about you?
Gratitude journal.
Gratitude journal. I love it. It's great. You guys are just going to be changing the world. I'm so excited for you.
Now, what's a baloney distraction? Because we are in a distracted society. This is the bane of our existence. Thanks. There's so many interruptions throughout the day, and every time that you get interrupted, every time you take your attention off of the thing that you're working on, there's this thing called attention residue.
There's some attention left on the thing that you were working on. So let's say that you're working away. You're writing the next chapter of your book, okay? And you're just so tempted to see if the email came in yet or if there are any text messages. And you check your phone, and there's a text message in. It's from a family member or whatever, and you quickly reply, and you get back to it.
Do you know you just probably lost 20 minutes? 20 to 30 minutes. That's the research on attention residue. It's 20 to 30 minutes before your attention fully comes back to the thing that you were working on before. You take your attention away, you think you're multitasking, but all you're doing is you're task switching.
And you're spending this attention resume on these different things, and then you bring it back. 'cause these are unresolved things. You check your inbox, and then you go back to writing that chapter, and now your brain is partially occupied with the things that were in the inbox that you just saw. Oh yeah, I'll have to deal with that later.
Don't do it. It kills your productivity. Also, I'd invite you to uninstall the apps and distracting things or block them from being able to access them or at least monitor them. The different you, the way that you're using your time. I use a tool called RescueTime. Has anyone heard of RescueTime?
Yeah, just a couple of you. RescueTime tells me how much of my time I'm spending on Facebook and, you know, in email, on low productivity-type activities versus high productivity activities. It knows different kinds of websites like YouTube and Facebook and that are low productivity. And if I'm in Word and writing, I'm highly productive. Then, it gives me reports and allows me to do all sorts of analysis. If you actually want to block access to these things, there's an app called Cold Turkey.
And you can say, I am off of Facebook during the workday. Then it just sets aside and it will block you from Facebook. Until 5:00 PM or what, whatever, you know, the way that you wanna set it up. Another thing you can do is you can use something called the Pomodoro technique. Has anyone heard of the Pomodoro technique?
You can have a Pomodoro type timer, which can be a physical timer, or it can just be an app on your phone or on your computer. I use an app called Focus Booster, which is a Pomodoro timer.
And you just have it work in 25-minute increments. You hit the go button, and it starts the timer. Then, you focus on the thing that you're working on for 25 minutes. Now, I have cheated using this and taken my attention off of the thing that I was working on. And you know what you have to do then?
And it's painful. You have to reset the timer and start over. That 25 minutes just became 45 minutes because 20 minutes in, you just said, "Oh, Squirrel," right? Check your email on a night "Oh, shoot. Did I just do that?" Okay. That's another great app. What else? Okay, this idea is really powerful. Uninstall all of the apps that are going to be distractions for you on that device that you're using for your most important work.
I just have the most productive apps installed. If you're doing stuff in Word and Excel and so forth. But, you know, you don't want email installed on that computer because it's going to just be distracting. It's everybody else's priorities, not your own. Have a different device for all the email and all the communication stuff.
And have an even different device for your entertainment. Never, ever use your main work laptop for Netflix, for watching silly, viral videos on YouTube and Facebook and so forth. That's banned from that computer. And if you're going to do that entertainment stuff, first of all, schedule your entertainment.
Don't just sit in front of the TV, turn on the TV, and start binge-watching. Schedule your entertainment. Schedule going out to the movies. Schedule renting a movie or streaming a movie. And then not, if you are going to be entertaining for a while, you're going to be fetching out, if let's say that your entertainment device, your iPad, that's the device that you watch Netflix on, not your work laptop.
Who thinks they could do that? This would be life-changing. If you're willing to consider it, then habits in general. This is so amazing. If you think about the habits that you have that are not perfect, let's say binge watching Netflix or, you know, sitting in front of the TV and just channel surfing.
Does anyone channel surf? It's a terrible habit. I used to do it all the time, and then I got cold turkey. I canceled cable, and I couldn't get any TV at all because I didn't get any local channels. You don't have to do it quite that extreme, but let me tease apart a habit for you, and that, I think, will make it so much easier.
It feels less daunting when you know that there are just three components to a habit. The three components are the Cue, the Habit itself, and the Reward. Let's take the idea of sitting in front of a TV, pop down on the couch, grab the remote, and start watching Netflix. What's the cue in that?
The cue is sitting on the couch. What's the habit? Well, before you watch TV, it's grabbing the remote. You sit on the couch, and that cues you up to grab the remote, and now you're on autopilot. Instead, you can install a new habit that gets cued up when you sit on the couch. And let's say now you want to do a much more empowering and enlightening habit.
You take the remote and you put it in a different room, like put it in a drawer in your bedroom. Now it's like, "Oh, that room," that cue and the habit, it's been disrupted, right? So I sit on the couch. I don't have the remote anymore. Instead, I go to my bookshelf, I pick my favorite book, and I don't ever seem to have time to finish, and I put it by the couch.
And I made a deal with myself that I'm going to reward myself. Here's the key. Because there's three pieces here. There are three components. The habit is part of it, right? It's first the key and then the habit. But then there's the reward. How are you going to reward yourself for picking up that book, that favorite book that you haven't finished yet, and reading a chapter?
I don't know. Now, I quit sugar about a year ago, so I would not encourage you to, like, make ice cream that reward, but think of something, hopefully that's not too unhealthy, that you can reward yourself with. Be like, "Yes, I can; I'm so excited; I get to have this thing or do this thing because I just read a chapter in a book instead of binging on Netflix."
Do you see how much more, it's so much easier to think about changing all these bad habits. Bye. Who smokes? Anyone smoke? Okay, just one of you? Only one person smokes? Would you like to quit smoking? No? Yeah, okay. Well, never mind. But you see, if you have a cue, and a habit, and a reward, and you've teased apart the three pieces, you can just break any bad habit that you want.
You're on. Or keep them in the fridge. Okay. Deep Work. Has anyone heard of this concept of Deep Work? It's a great book written by Cal Newport. He's a professor and a super smart guy. I've had him on my podcast. Got to listen to that episode. It is amazing. Ernest Hemingway never ate at his desk. And if you are in deep work and you have your boundaries set up, right?
Here's another thought, or another example. Carl Jung, anyone heard of Carl Jung? He had a home in the mountains or in the countryside, and that's where he did his deep work, where he worked on his research and writing his papers and his books and so forth.
He then had his practice in town, where he would work with patients and so forth. He didn't intermingle the two. He was going to do either deep work in the country at his home in the country, or he was in the city doing the shallower work. And having appointments with clients and stuff.
That I think is one little piece of this that I think will help you. And then this idea of, you know, not and just being mindful of this space, the environment, and of your time not doing stuff like eating at your desk while working. And then there's this idea of flow state. Has anyone read the book Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi?
Great book. Talks about getting to a flow state where you can achieve maybe five times as much on a day than you normally would achieve, right? Imagine getting a week's worth of work done in a day. And you can take the whole rest of the week off, right? Get the same amount of work done. But how do you get in a flow state?
Turns out that there are a bunch of flow triggers some are social, some are physical. An extreme sports person has a lot of flow because their lives depend on it. Right, you are heliskiing, and you make a wrong turn, you're dead. So they are in flow. They are, like, on. How do you get in flow and not be in danger of your life, right?
There are other triggers, and there's a book by Steven Kotler called The Rise of Superman that talks about these flow triggers. Then, the boundaries I mentioned are already: don't just eat at your desk and work through lunch. No laptop in your bedroom. Who wants their laptop in their bedroom?
I can't say it. Me occasionally, yes. But if you have boundaries where, let's say, no electronics after, no laptop and iPad and so forth after 8pm, no work after 8 pm, or no electronics in the bedroom. Ideally, the bedroom is for two things. Any guesses on what those two things are?
Sleep? Eh? Nevermind. If you are respectful of these boundaries, I think you'll find that you'll be much more productive, and you won't have a spillover of the work stuff into your quiet time, your meditation time, and your sleep. Also, if you close the door, like when you're at the office, close your door, stop these people from the got a minute meetings.
Do you have a minute? Remember, attention residue just destroys your productivity for the next half hour. "Hey, you got a minute? It's a quick question. I'm just really lazy to save it all for an email or for, you know, the end of the day, but you got a minute?" Bosses are the worst at this because they destroy it.
You know how much money they cost their company. "Got a minute? Hey, just a quick question." Don't do it. Close your door. You're off limits. If you're in a cubicle, put up a sign. I'm in deep work mode. You have to have some boundaries as best you can. You could even go to Starbucks and work—or somewhere else that is like a different work environment.
And manage your state. Manage your state, question for you, are you ready to get into the peak state?
Yeah? Awesome. I learned this from Orion. Who learned this from non yoga. And what I'm going to have you do is a really quick breathing exercise. I'm going to have you stand up. And I'm actually going to have Orion come on stage, and she's going to teach you.
The breathing technique from non-yoga. Where you do, that's just.
Hold on. Let me grab the microphone. That way she can be heard.
OT: Okay, so do you know the difference between chest breath and belly breath? Yeah, we tend to breathe out here. Just for now, I want you to inhale and exhale.
Take a deep breath in, feel your belly there, hold it, and then exhale. One more time, inhale and exhale. And for the next time, I just want you to inhale and hold. Inhale more, and hold. More, more, more. Hold. Hold. And start that new chest. Keep it in. And exhale.
Oh, that feels good.
Is that the one you wanted me to do?
That's perfect. That was exactly what I wanted. Let's do it one more time. Okay, ready? Okay. Breathe in. A little bit more. A little more. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap, tap. Keep holding it. Keep holding it. Keep holding it. And exhale.
OT: The outside breathing exercises are so, so important to change your, um, state to reduce anxiety.
It's good to do some breathing exercises. Exercise in the morning and before you go to bed. And any time before a big meeting or any time you feel stressed, just go back to your breathing and your core.
Thank you! Alright. Who feels better about that? Isn't that amazing? You can do that in the morning after you've partied your morning ritual. You could do it right before you get on an important phone call. You could get, let's say, that you had an argument with your partner, and you want to just reset your state and get in a better state. What a great little exercise. She learned that from non-yoga, which is here in Santa Monica. It's for those of you who are local and are looking for a place to do yoga.
It's a really fantastic yoga studio. All right. I'm going to go fast through the remaining handful of slides here. A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. We want to get stuff out of our heads into a trusted system. For my trusted system, I use an application, an app called Things. It's by Culture Code.
I'm on a Mac, which is a great app for the Mac. I also have the Things app on my phone. I can check all the different things. I get stuff out of my head. Because your mind is a factory, it's not a warehouse. If you're trying to maintain a whole bunch of things, like, "Oh yeah, I need to pick this up at the grocery store or whatever," all that clutter is going to keep you stuck, and you're not going to be able to invent new stuff, and innovate, create.
A couple of other thoughts is to have a standing desk so that you're not sitting all day if you sit in front of a computer a lot. Yeah, a number of you. Get a standing desk, I have a standing desk and it's a crank one. I got it off of Amazon. I just crank it up and then I can stand, I can do my podcast in the room standing.
I can put it back down so I can work on some document or whatever. You can just go, you know, kind of vary during the course of the day. Another idea is to have a tickler file, so that if you have lots of papers and bills and different like physical pieces of things that you need to file.
A particular file has 43 folders, numbers 1 through 31, and then the months January through December. Let's say that it's a bill that's not due until next month, and you can put it in, or let's say it's due October 8th, you put it in the 8th. If it's not due till, like, December, then you put it in the December folder, and at the end of the month, you check the next month's folder, and you put a day's folder, the correct day.
That's a great little organization tip. Another thing that you can do to reduce clutter and simplify your environment is to read this book, which is life-changing. It's called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's by Marie Kondo. Has anyone read it? A few of you? It's a great book. And what you do is you just clear through all the clutter.
Anything that does not spark joy is out of there. And you don't, like, you start with your bookshelf and look through your books. We got through it. Get rid of, like, 200, 250 books. Just donate them all. Because, you know what, if it's a book that doesn't spark joy, and you don't look through it and start reading it and stuff, you just hold it, and just look at the cover, and just kind of touch it and stuff, does it spark joy?
Now, it actually sparks guilt because I feel like I really should read it, and I never got around to it, and I've had it for four years. Why do you want that around? Get rid of it. Donate it. Let somebody else get the joy from it. We got, like, down to not even 70, 80 books. Way more? Maybe 100?
We need to do part two. Marie says to get it down to under 50. Even fewer than that, I think, maybe 40. It goes down to, you know, just actually you start with your wardrobe, and then you go to your books, and then you go to papers. It's a whole system. It's amazing. You get to this point called the click point, where you'll never get it back.
You will never get it back. Reaccumulate. You will never be on a hoarder's reality show. Then, mind, like water, is where you get stuff out of your head, and this is a state that is zen-like. That's a zen state that David Allen talks about in his best-selling book, Getting Things Done. As I mentioned already, my trusted system is Things for the Mac, but there's also Evernote, and there are a bunch of options for to-do lists and for capturing stuff and things.
Then I maintain Inbox Zero, and the way I maintain it is I have virtual assistants, which I'll get to in part number three in just a minute. The way I maintain Inbox Zero is I have a team of people, virtual assistants, who check my email, and yes, they have access to my personal email. Not just my work email, everything.
And they sort through my email and put stuff in my action folder or my read review folder for FYI-type stuff. Or, my archives with everything else, and I don't go in my archives. I only go into action every so often in the read review. The action stuff are the things that I have to action. If an appointment or a call needs to be set up, my assistant will make that call and set that appointment.
This is a beautiful thing. Maintaining an inbox of zero instead of an inbox that keeps growing every day. Who has more than a thousand emails in their inbox? OMG. Are you guys serious? This is the, okay. Here's the secret that will help you break free. David Allen actually gave me. I interviewed David Allen as well for my podcast, and he said, for this specific instance, if you have a lot of emails, you cannot get caught up.
It's just too hard. Here's what you're gonna do. He calls it a DMZ folder. Demilitarized Cell. You're going to take all of your email and you're going to move it into the DMZ. Now you have Inbox 0, and you are going to keep up with that. At the end of the day, there should be no email in there. I mean, yeah, stuff's gonna continue to accumulate, but at the point that you finish your day, get to inbox zero.
And then you can go back to the DMZ folder, find stuff, and figure out what needs to be actioned in there, whatever. But that is compartmentalized. Is that an awesome idea or what? Who loves that idea? That will save your life. Okay. And then mind mapping, there's some great tools for mind mapping. I use Mind Manager.
It's a great way to take stuff out of your head and put some structure to it. Connect things up and kind of forechart them out, and then have horizons of focus instead of just saying, "Oh, what needs to be done today or whatever?" Think about like, what's my, not just my runway level, but what's my 10,000 foot of you.
What do the next 90 days look like? What's my 20,000-foot view? 30,000 foot view? 40,000? 50,000-foot view would be my lifetime. What do I want to achieve in my lifetime? 30,000-foot view might be the next 5 years. Or the next 2 years or something. Who thinks about that on a regular basis? Like, what, what do I want to have accomplished in the next 5 years? You know, that's awesome. We massively underestimate what we can accomplish in the next 10 years and massively overestimate what we can accomplish in the next year.
What's your next action? This comes from David Allen's Getting Things Done. He's got a whole, this book is amazing, and the methodology is called GTD. It stands for Getting Things Done. One of those precepts from GTD is that you're going to define your next action. Let's go back to this idea of having this project to sell a house.
Anything that is more than one action. Selling a house is a project, right? Well, it's an action affair. Finding a realtor. Is that a next action, or is that a project? Project. It's a project because there are multiple steps involved in finding a realtor. Making phone calls, getting recommendations, interviewing realtors, and checking the references.
Multiple steps. You don't have to figure out every step involved in getting a realtor or selling your house. You don't have to do a Gantt chart and all this kind of project management stuff. You just need to figure out what the next action is because the next action after that will be immediately apparent.
It's the next action. The very next action is to simply call your friend who sold their house in less than a week for more than they asked for more than the listing price. That's a single phone call. That is the next action. And when you apply context to your next actions, remember I said I have a trusted system.
When you apply contexts, when you say this next action is a phone call, it's at the phone. This next action is an errand because I have to go run the Home Depot or whatever, at errand. This next action I can only do at work, at the office. This next action I have to do at home is because the stuff is at home, like replacing a door or whatever, that's at home.
Then, when you are in that context of being on the road, you can do errands, make phone calls, and do nothing else. You cannot do stuff that requires you to be home or to be at work. Your trusted system, if it supports GTD, you can just say, Show me all the phone calls. I got 30 minutes. I'm waiting for the doctor to arrive.
I'm in the waiting room. I can make some phone calls. I can't do everything else. Don't show me my entire to do list. But show me just the phone calls. That's one of the precepts of GTD. And if you use the right tools for, it is a lifesaver. It really did change my life. The four D's do, defer, delegate, or delete.
You have to be really disciplined about what you're going to take on, what you're going to say no to, and which things you're going to delegate to others. Take time to think. Keith Cunningham talks about having a thinking chair. He only sits in that chair when he has scheduled time to think.
Big-picture thinking in the engraved snow globe is not right. Check an email. Never ever check an email in that thinking chair. That thinking chair is for big-picture thinking. Isn't that amazing? Can you think of a place in your house that you could assign to only big-picture thinking? Anyone? Like only one of you.
No one else is going to commit to like having a thinker's chair? Okay, awesome. Thank you. I hope you're not just placating. And then here's the book, Getting Things Done. Who's interested in reading that book? Awesome. It really was an amazing life changing book for me. And then finally, hack number three, and I know we're about out of time, is to have a team that.
You get leverage because if you are not working on your business, you're working in your business. You're an operator, not an owner. You're running around moving widgets around and things instead of really strategically thinking and taking strategic action. The simple math is for using a virtual assistant or a task driver or anybody that you're an outsource to.
If it costs 50% or less of what your effective hourly rate is. You have to do some math to figure out what your effective hourly rate is. And if you can hire somebody at 50% or less to do that task, whether it's laundry, running errands, going to Home Depot grocery shopping and all that, a lot of the stuff you can just delegate out.
You can use services that will shop for you, that will do it. I use a service called Trendy Butler every month for 60 bucks a month. I get stuff in the mail. I've gotten some really cool outfits. They ask, they use artificial intelligence, they ask you a bunch of questions, and then they send you cool stuff.
At the beginning, it was a little rough, and I sent a lot of stuff back, but it's gotten pretty good. Like the outfit I wore yesterday, it's pretty darn cool. If it makes sense from a financial standpoint, you can afford to do this, and you can pay less than 50% of your effective hourly will rate.
You should do it. This is according to Tim Ferriss, author of the 4-Hour Workweek. Has anyone read the 4-Hour Workweek? Love that book. You all should read it. And you know, TaskRabbit.com is one resource. There are so many of these resources depending on what you're looking for. Upwork, formerly known as Odesk.
You can find programmers and designers for like logo design and, you know, so many different things. Onlinejobs.ph, let's say that you're looking for somebody in the Philippines because you can get a lot more leverage in terms of the hourly rate when somebody has a much lower cost of living, like in the Philippines.
There's a site called Onlinejobs.ph. You can hire a full-time person for maybe $400-$500 a month. Full-time person who speaks very good English. Fiverr. Who's heard of Fiverr? Right, with two R's, F I V E R R. Eahelp.com. 99designs. 99designs is a site where you can a design contest. You can also use DesignCrowd. It's another alternative to 99designs.
What I'd ask, then, is for you to do the same again. We don't have time to do this, but this would be an exercise you can do at home. It's called the free, the three lists of freedom. This is from a book by Chris Ducker called Virtual Freedom. The three lists of freedom are the things that, list number one, you do not like to do.
List number two is what you're not good at. And list number three is what you shouldn't be doing. Those are the three lists, and guess what? All those things on your list, you're gonna delegate. Because if you suck at it, why are you doing it? Well, I just want to shore up my weaknesses. Well, that's a great way to be really mediocre in life. Take your strengths and build on them. Don't take your weaknesses and try to make them better. Hire people who are just exemplary at that thing that you're weak at.
That's the three lists of freedom, and that's gonna be life changing. And then hire a VA virtual assistant to do all that stuff. The spreadsheets, the pivot tables in Excel and all that stuff that you hate doing or that you can't even really quite figure out how to do. All that sort of stuff. The data entry of all your receipts and everything that's not a good use of your time.
Not in your gift. If it's not in your gift, don't do it. Okay, you're going to onboard your VA and the way that you're going to do this is the first time you're going to have to train them, like let's say over Skype. Like a video Skype, and you're going to record it. Guess what? If they leave, you now have a training video for the next person.
Isn't that amazing? You want a library of training videos. I'm going to show my VA how to organize my email. Or how to book my travel. Record that thing. Because that goes in the library for the next VA, I also try to have multiple VAs whenever possible. Because you don't want to have a single point of failure.
You want to have redundancy. If one leaves, you don't want to be stuck. And time and project tracking. One thing I love about using Trello for project tracking is that TRELLO uses the Kanban method of cards, and then they use Slack to communicate with each other. And then Time Doctor keeps screenshots and track of the mouse clicks and the keystrokes.
That's amazing that you don't have to worry that the other. Maybe being unproductive. They're doing Facebook while they're clocked in. Time Doctor keeps them honest. TimeDoctor.com. We have just gone through an amazing amount of stuff. It seemed really simple at the beginning, just three hacks.
Be purpose-driven. Structure, structure, structure. And have a team for leverage. But we've done it, right? And we finished a little bit of work. Here's the fork in the road. This is where you, this is decision time for your commitment time. What you need to do now is take action because it sounds all exciting and interesting, but I didn't come here to educate you.
I came to change you, but you have to change yourself, right? I can only give you the knowledge. Who's going to make that commitment to take at least three things that they learned tonight and apply it in their lives. Who's going to make that commitment? Like a solemn promise. Okay? Awesome. Almost everybody raises their hand.
One person. Not like this. That's okay. I'm here for the people who are ready for it. And if you're not, that's all. That's good, too. You stuck it out to the end. I want to thank you for that. I've got some cool articles about GTD and things that I've written. Blog posts and so forth that I'm happy to share with you.
If you send an email to admin at stephanspencer.com. Yes, that will go to my assistant. And she'll also send you a copy of this PowerPoint deck. There are some other resources that don't work. You can take a picture if you want, but you'll get the PowerPoint deck if you email admin at stephanspencer.com.
These are a bunch of other favorite books and favorite episodes of my podcast on productivity. People like Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning. He died for six minutes on the road for listening. They never thought he was going to walk again. And he defied all the odds.
And now he's an inspirational, a motivational speaker has this amazing morning ritual. There's a great episode that went live last week on that, on my podcast, Get Yourself Optimized.
I interviewed my previous VA, who was like a superstar. Her name is Carolyn Ketchum.
You can listen to that and hear all about the different systems that we put in place, how she would prioritize my emails and sort stuff and not let stuff slip through the cracks and bring on new VAs and train them and screen the candidates and everything. All that's in that episode. There's some great stuff in those additional resources.
Thank you very much, and I do have. I did bring some books. I'm going to sell them at below what you can even buy them from Amazon. $50 retail book that a thousand-page book? It's a $50-retail book. I'll sell it for $20, which is even less than you can buy it on Amazon. I brought a bunch of those if you want, and I'm happy to stick around to answer any questions, or if you think of something afterward and you want to email me, there's my email address, my personal email address, which will be checked by my assistant as well. On my Twitter, which is also tweet, all the tweets are written by my assistant. And my Facebook, all those posts on my Facebook. Thank you very much.
Well, Stephan. Thank you for your commitment and for your time and for donating your time for all of us to become better. And let's all go out and produce and increase our productivity and go out and give back to the world. So, thank you everybody. If I can have some of the volunteers. Help me with the books and maybe put them out there.
And I know some of you want to take your photo with Stephan. Thank you guys very much. We have a Facebook group. It's called LA Robbins. So find us there so we can all kind of meet and greet. And thank you again for being here. Next meetup will be in November and we will see you there. Thank you very much. If you can put them right there, maybe that'd be great. Thank you.
If anybody wanted a business card, I've got business cards. By the couch, behind the couch there. And also, podcast cards. If you didn't write down podcast, I have both the podcast cards there, and also around the podcast still have my podcast cards up there. Grab them before you leave. Thanks.
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Privacy Policy
We respect the importance of online privacy to users of our Site, especially when conducting business. Here we explain our Privacy Policy and answer questions for users of the Site (“Visitors”), either who visit without transacting business or who register with us to conduct business on the Site (“Authorized Customers”) and make use of the various services offered by StephanSpencer.com. “Personally Identifiable Information” This means any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. Personally Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected anonymously (meaning, without identification of the individual user) or demographic information that is not connected to any specific individual. What kinds of information do you collect? We may collect basic user profile information from our Visitors. We collect this additional information from our Authorized Customers: name, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, the type and size of the business, and the nature and amount of the purchase that the Authorized Customer intends to make. We collect Personally Identifiable Information only for the specific, explicit and legitimate purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Our use of personal data for any purpose other than for which the data were initially collected is only done when it is still compatible with the original purpose. For example, we may tailor communications to suit the interests of Visitors and Approved Customers based on analysis of their Site use and personal information. By providing this information to us you freely give consent to our collection of Personally Identifiable Information in order to serve you. What other organizations are collecting information? Our third party service vendors (such as credit card companies) who may provide credit, insurance, and escrow services, may collect information from our Visitors and Authorized Customers. We do not control how these third parties use this information, but we do ask them to disclose how they use personal information. Third parties may also be intermediaries and do not store, retain, or use the information given to them. How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make appealing service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling requests. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers about research, purchase and selling opportunities or information related to subject matter on the Site. We may also use Personally Identifiable Information to contact you in response to specific inquiries or provide information that you request. Who do you share this information with? Personally Identifiable Information about Authorized Customers may be shared with other Authorized Customers who wish to evaluate potential transactions. We may share aggregated information about our Visitors and Authorized Visitors with our affiliated agencies and third-party vendors. This aggregated information is not linked to any personal information that can identify an individual person. We also offer you the opportunity to “opt out” of receiving information or being contacted by us or by any agency acting on our behalf. We do not transfer personally identifiable data entrusted to us to any international location. How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? All Personally Identifiable Information collected by StephanSpencer.com is securely stored and is not accessible to third parties or employees of StephanSpencer.com except for use as indicated above. What choices are available to me regarding collection, use and distribution of my information? You may choose to opt-out of receiving unsolicited information from us or being contacted by us or our vendors and affiliated agencies simply by responding to emails using the opt-out feature, or by contacting us directly. Contact information is listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. You may also contact us to request deletion of an account and any Personally Identifiably Information it contains. This is commonly known as “the right to erasure” and “the right to be forgotten.” Are Cookies used on the Site? We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of our Visitors and the services they select. This provides you with a better experience. We also use Cookies for security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers. For example, if an Authorized Customer is logged on but inactive for an extended period of time, we will automatically log out the Authorized Customer. Our Cookie Policy can be reviewed here. How does StephanSpencer.com use login information? The Site uses login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track Visitors’ movement and use, and gather broad demographic data. What partners or service providers have access to Personally Identifiable Information? StephanSpencer.com has partnerships and other affiliations with a number of vendors. These vendors may have access to certain Personally Identifiable Information on a need-to-know basis for evaluating Authorized Customers for service eligibility, such as credit card authorization when making purchases. Our privacy policy does not cover their collection or use of this information. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information when required to comply with law. We are required to disclose Personally Identifiable Information in order to comply with a court order, subpoena or a request from a law enforcement agency to release that information. We will also disclose Personally Identifiable Information when reasonably necessary to protect the safety of our Visitors and Authorized Customers. How does the Site keep my Personally Identifiable Information secure? Our employees are trained in our security policy and practices. While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to Personally Identifiable Information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment. We also audit our security systems and processes on a regular basis. Sensitive information, such as credit card or Social Security numbers, is protected by leading encryption protocols to protect the information you share with us. You can verify this by looking for a lock icon in the address bar and looking for “https” at the beginning of the address of the Web page. While we take commercially reasonable measures to maintain a secure site, electronic communications and databases are subject to errors, tampering and break-ins, and we cannot guarantee or warrant that such events will not take place and we will not be liable to Visitors or Authorized Customers for such occurrences. How can I correct any inaccuracies in my Personally Identifiable Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update Personally Identifiable Information or to correct any inaccuracies by emailing us: contact@stephanspencer.com Your access to and control over your information You may opt out of any future contact from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number provided on the Site and at the end of this Privacy Police notice: See what data we have about you, if any. Change/correct any data we have about you. Have us delete any data we have about you. Express any concern you have about our use of your data. How can I delete or deactivate my Personally Identifiable Information on the Site? You can delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information you have shared from the Site’s database at any time by contacting us. However, because of computer backups and records of deletions, some residual information may be retained, but not accessed or used. An individual who requests to have Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this information functionally deleted at the time the request is made. We do not sell or transfer Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in any way. What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We alert our Visitors and Authorized Customers to changes in our Privacy Policy by posting notice of any changes on the Site, along with the date the changes take effect, at the top of the Privacy Policy page. Links The Site contains links to other websites. When you click on one of these links, you will move to another website. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects Personally Identifiable Information. Email communication By providing information to this Site that enables communication with you, such as an email address, you waive all rights to file complaints concerning unsolicited email or “spam” from the Site. By providing the email information, you also agree to receive communications from the Company, Koshkonong LLC, and its affiliated organizations. However, all of our email communication with you contains an “unsubscribe” link to use if you no longer wish to receive solicitations or information from the Site. Your email address will then be removed from our general solicitation database. Commitment to Data Security We take all reasonable measures to protect data that contains information related to you. However, no security system is completely impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information cannot be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. As a consideration for viewing this Site, you waive any and all claims against the Company for damages of any nature and you further acknowledge that the Company is not responsible for damages to you arising from any misuse of your Personal Information. Age restrictions By using this site, you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age. Disputes In the event of any dispute, claim or controversy (collectively “Dispute”) between you and the Company, including but not limited to Disputes arising from: use of this Site; the Privacy Policy; the Terms of Use; any purchases made in connection with this Site; or any other claims whether in contract, tort or otherwise, you hereby consent and agree that such Dispute shall be settled by binding arbitration by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with the Arbitration Rules then in effect. The hearing shall be conducted in Los Angeles, California. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon all parties and any award of the arbitrator(s) may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. The prevailing party shall be awarded all filing fees and related costs. Administrative and all other costs of enforcing an arbitration award, witness fees, payment of reasonable attorney’s fees, and costs related to collecting an arbitrator’s award, will be added to the amount due pursuant to this provision. Questions involving contract interpretation shall be subject to the laws of California. CONTACT US If you have questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: StephanSpencer.com Koshkonong LLC 6516 Monona Drive # 114 Monona, WI 53716-4026 (608) 729-5910
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