I'll show you. We connected and started coming to meetings about two and a half years ago, three years ago. And this is what Stephan does. Look at this. He is the world authority when it comes to SEO. He writes books and updates on a regular basis.
When he's offered to do this as a hands-on masterclass, I jumped at the opportunity and the offer, let's get for step.
Alright, it's the coolest buzz in front of it with me; send it to a SmartShip. I heard about my books. Let's just dig in. This is a picture of me. I've been around the internet since 1995. I was on a social media app, and somebody was presenting my deck. They changed it slightly, and I wanted my company's name on it. That way, they could have lifted my deck. Yes, it's me. This is me; that was the before photo. I went through a transformation.
I got divorced and I was not in control of my own company. I went to a Tony Robbins event and met my wife at the Tony Robbins event Date with Destiny. Yeah, I was a million and a half years ago. I was doing a podcast with Martin Sullivan. Crushing it on Facebook with Facebook conversion optimization and any of that stuff. He was one of the world's best guests, and I was amazed by how Jay Abraham spoke. Hitman is a podcast show on DigitalMarketer.com puts out.
Who heard Dave Asprey speak? And Daniel Amen, who wrote Change Your Brain? Really great life-hacking bio. It was not the pickup stuff that I learned from Neil Strauss.
I proposed to her in a hot air balloon nine days after we met. She said no, actually, but that was an awkward 20 minutes. We stayed together. She just wasn't ready yet. I mean, because she had some sense about her in nine days. Nine months later, I re-proposed at the place where we had met.
And you can do the SEO thing anywhere. I had no idea that I would just go to New Zealand. I applied for residency; I'd never been there. I got in, and I decided to move my previous wife, my kids, and me for almost a year. And even a child can do SEO. I taught my then 14-year-old daughter, and now she's an SEO expert. You sign up for Google AdSense, and then people click on the Google ads that you display.
It's all automated, and you get a check, or you get a direct deposit, automatic payment. She'd get up to $1,100 in a month. For some months, she didn't even work at all on her website. It's not bad, and it's better than flipping burgers or babysitting for a kid.
The biggest difference between 30% is if you have somebody in mind that you want to teach this content to. That's, first of all, chunk change, and second of all, that's not passive income. That's just hard work. Teach them to work smart, not hard. Teach them this stuff so that they can make money passively. And then, you've got workmates, your boss, your co-owners, your co-owners, if you're a business owner, whatever.
Find somebody, a spouse, and think of someone who you're going to change their life with this content. I also invite you to really stick it out all the way to the end, paying super close attention, because I'm going to give all of you guys an awesome, free benefit: a free digital copy of one of my books.
You get to choose which one. You might want to choose The Art of SEO because that's the beast; the third edition came out about a year ago. Or, if you don't have that much attention span, Social eCommerce is only under 300 pages; it's all about leveraging social media to drive online sales.
If you have almost zero attention span, this is a 72-page book. Google Power Search is all about how to be a power user for Google and find anything. It's not an SEO book, but SEOs find it really helpful. For example, I found confidential business plans and marketing plans, Forrester Research reports that cost thousands of dollars, and even credit card file numbers, expiration dates, and names on Google just by knowing what to search for.
I didn't do anything with it, and I didn't teach anybody how to do that in the book. But just as a case in point, you can find anything on Google. Alright, so that's my give for you guys. Now, we're going to dig into how to self-audit your site. You guys got your laptops open.
I asked that you set up a Google Search Console access or verify your site owner. Who has done that? Okay, who has not? Okay, all you guys who just raised your hand, you're out. Maybe we'll figure out what to do with you guys later. For those of you who did, which are more than half, I think, thank you. And you'll get tools and see some of the stuff that we're talking about.
Anyways, let's dig in. This is how to self-audit your own website. There are three pillars to SEO.
And that's the wrong one. No, that's the right one. Here's the thing. It's someone else's deck. I knew it. Before you guys got here. Here's the thing. You don't necessarily have the budget or the resources necessary to hire an SEO expert to audit your website. You need to do it yourself.
I've been fixing websites for years for companies like Chanel, you know, all sorts of brands, but also small startups too. Take my knowledge, and you can do this yourself; you need to know where to focus your energy.
Best SEO practices that everybody says you need to optimize your meta descriptions and this, that, and the other thing. Spending time on that when there are bigger fish to fry. That's great. I'm not saying you don't do it. I'm saying put it in order of priority. And some things are never going to have enough impact that they're worth doing. The way Tony Robbins describes it, it's like being outcome-focused. You have a whole bunch of arrows in your quiver. And you're aiming for that bullseye, that target.
If you can reach that goal, that target, with just three arrows and three massive actions, why would you work through all the rest of the to-dos and all the rest of those arrows? Move on to an eruditious goal and a whole new set of arrows. Does that make sense? Awesome. All right, I don't need to explain why you need to do your own SEO audit. We're actually going to have a look at some of your guy's sites.
I'll get some volunteers. I'll gently carry you to shreds and give you some helpful feedback. You'll be able to see how this applies in the real world. It's not just a kind of theoretical learning. We're going to cover the three areas three pillars of SEO, which are technical slash architecture, content, and links. Those are the three pillars of SEO, and the audit is going to go into those three areas.
We're going to start with the technical audit. This is really geeky stuff here. Stay with me. We're going to pull up some tools and things cause we're going to need to do that. You have hundreds of highways on the home page. Every page should have its own size at the top of the list.
The canonical tag looks like it's going to feel like, you know, I'm speaking rudely. But realize our podcast is called Get Yourself Optimized. There you go! We're in the right place. Okay, we'll look at some of these different things, like the canonical tags and optimizing our URLs. We'll start with the navigation structure. This is a really simple concept. You have your homepage; you have all these secondary level pages; you have tertiary level pages, quarter level pages, and how many clicks deep down in the site tree matter.
If you are trying to optimize a page that is one click deep, one click away from the homepage, you're going to be in pretty good shape. If it's five clicks deep, you're going to suck. That page is not going to rank very well. You're not setting yourself up for success. If you have a huge website, if you're webmd.com.
Then, you can't have everything at the secondary or tertiary level. You do have pages that are super deep down the site. But then you're going to have to start getting deep links from other people's websites to individual articles, category pages, disease pages, symptom pages, and all that sort of stuff. Have as few clicks as possible from the homepage to guarantee the best chance of success for the pages that really matter. You've probably seen e-commerce sites that feature products. Why do they have these featured products? Why are they featured? Well, they're probably not just best sellers.
They're pages they want to rank well in Google. They're going after keywords that are super valuable to them, and so they want to give those pages the best shot possible for ranking. Pretty simple. What if you have a really heavy page with a ton of links on it? Well, each of these links is like you are voting for yourself.
You're voting for yourself by linking to a page. If it's a featured product, you're giving yourself a good shot at ranking that page in Google. But what if you have a thousand links on that page? You kind of screwed yourself over. You need to work in moderation in terms of how many links are contained on a page.
No more than a couple hundred, ideally. If you've got like 500 links, that's too many. Because each link is getting just a sliver of the voting power of the juice, that is the authority that your homepage has, right? You're passing authority and importance. It's called page rank named after Larry. Page one word, page rank.
You're passing page to pages that you're linking to from that homepage. And if you have a thousand links on there, you're really spreading yourself thin. Analytics is really important, but we don't want to drive a car simply looking in the rearview mirror and trying to drive on a freeway. We will crash fast; we need to have predictive analytics that tells us what has not just happened in the past but what's about to happen and what's likely to happen based on the activities and actions that we're taking.
If we have optimized the title tag on a huge swap page on our site, we want to see if that's having an impact before next month's report or whatever—or before the results start trickling in from Google Analytics. You could start by looking at Google Analytics, and it'll tell you that if let's say, you had a big traffic drop in organic search, there is probably some sort of problem.
Maybe you got penalized. However, simply looking at Google Analytics alone is not the right thing to do. You need to start looking at other tools, like Google Search Console. The Google Search Console will tell you things like what keywords people are typing into Google and finding your site and not even clicking.
Does that blow your mind? Isn't that awesome? Think about that for a moment. You can tell if people are typing in a keyword, seeing your search results, and saying I don't want to go there. You're not seeing the traffic come in. It's not showing up in your Google Analytics, but it's showing up in your Search Analytics report in Google Search Console.
Does that make sense? All right, we're able to see impressions on the search results that are not driving clicks. We can also see the clicks, but we can see the impressions too. And then, we get the click-through rate, which is, the clicks over the impressions.
Can you see that for competitor sites?
You cannot see that for competitor sites, not with Search Console. Google Search Console is only for verified site owners. However, you can get an idea of the click-through rates, the keywords your competitors are ranking for, and estimated traffic volumes using competitive intelligence tools like SimilarWeb and Compete.
I like SimilarWeb the best. There's also Quantcast, and Alexa.com, which are jokes owned by Amazon. You'd think that it was a really cool tool, but the data is really bad. It's just bad data; don't trust it. SimilarWeb is probably the best, and Compete.com is, I'd say, second.
Google Search Console is your new best friend for SEO. It's going to give you a lot of insight. There are a lot of tools and reports in there, and I just mentioned one of them being the search analytics report. Another thing that you can do that's just very simple is right available in the Google search box is simply to type in the site colon and then your domain name.
Let's get a volunteer. Rtjcpa.cpa.com. I did get it right. You only have 11 pages in Google according to this Google search, which is completely accurate when we're talking about. Just a small website, right? If we're talking about thousands and thousands of pages, I can only go to about 700 and some search results, and then it's going to stop me.
I can't go any further in Google. You have 11 results; that's all that's being shown. It's essentially like thinking of each webpage that's in Google as a virtual salesperson. If you have 11 virtual salespeople, it's really hard to compete against sites that have 5,000 virtual salespeople. 5,000 pages to them.
Now, let's contrast this with my personal blog, StephanSpencer.com. This doesn't work on Works on any site except for mobile. It doesn't show the number of results on mobile search. There's no way to see it? I don't scroll down to the bottom to see if there's an option; I'm never using my mobile device to do SEO.
I'm looking at the bottom like I just did metal, and it just says next. How do you know how many pages are totally there? Very top.
If you go into your settings, you see this little icon, the gear icon. You click on that, go to search settings, and you can change it to a hundred results per page. You have to turn off Google Instant in order to do that. You turn off Google Instant, and then you switch the slider to 100 results per page, like I did. And then, you can see 100 results per page. And then what you do is you go to the last page of results, and you can see that. I've got 234 results, but then I can click on this link at the very bottom that says, in order to show you, blah, blah, blah.
Basically, some results were omitted because they're considered duplicate content. Duplicate content is SEO's thing of existence. We don't want to get caught in the duplicate content filter. It's not a penalty; don't panic. But it might feel like a penalty because if you have duplicate content with other sites, you've syndicated your article to a bunch of other places.
Duplicate content is the bane of SEO's existence. It’s not a penalty, but it might feel like one.
You wrote it and posted it to your blog, but you also posted it to the Huffington Post. And the Huffington Post is the one that's winning. You're getting filtered out. They're getting all the traffic from that great article that you contributed. And none of it's going to your blog. You have to think about like, "Am I creating duplicate content either inadvertently or strategically by syndication deals or writing for other media outlets?"
For this search that you did, can you not look at the very top where it says about X number of results? No, when it says about X number of results, that's a mythical number. It's a mythical number because Google engineers only care about stuff that Google searchers care about. If Google searchers don't care about how the quality of what's on page 3, they don't care either at Google.
If Google searchers don't care whether the estimated number of results is accurate or not, maybe it's an order of magnitude off. Do you care when you're doing a search? No, you don't even look. If it's 3 million or 30 million, so what? They don't care about the accuracy. We are SEOs, and we deeply care about it, but it's not accurate.
And when it said about, what did it say? 26. It's like, "Wait a second, it's only taking me to page 3 of the search results. What the heck?" There should be 7 pages of search results because that's as far as you get with Google at 100 results per page. Nope, 3 pages, that's it, and there's the true number, 234. Now, I'm going to add the omitted results and those back in. Now, let's see if we go to the last page of the results. It's 238, and I only have four duplicate pages.
Sorry guys, I'm just trying to set this up so it looks a little better. Right now, I've got Lloyd's computer, and all I get is baby names. That's all I can see from Lloyd right now when he's searching for baby names.
What was my point in all this? Google's smarter than that these days. However, you're not going to rank for hundreds of keywords with just one page. An 11-page website, at best, is going to get you a sliver of traffic compared to what you could get if you had 100 pages, 200 pages, or 300 pages.
Let's go back to the PowerPoint. There's a report inside the Google Search Console called the Crawl Report and a Crawl Error Report. And you're going to be able to see if there are 404 errors. Who's heard of a 404 error? Yep, we all have. 404 errors are bad for you in terms of Google and your SEO. If people are linking to 404 errors, any page rank, or any voting power that is pointing to those 404 pages, it just dissipates.
It evaporates. It's not available for the rest of your site. You want to fix those 404 errors. Now, scpa.com slash blah blah blah. That should return a 404 error and a custom 404 page. That's correct. But, you're probably finding that there are some error pages that you know, for whatever reason, maybe you moved things around, you switched platforms. Now you're in WordPress, but before, you were in type pad or whatever, right?
There are gonna be 404 errors that you can fix, and you can see when you click on this tab here of not found, that's the 404. And you can scan through that list. There's a tab there for you to see. Here's the tab for not found. Suppose you click on one of these URLs in here. You can see where you're getting links from. It might just be internal; you are linking to that page yourself. Or, it could be that people are linking to you, and you're wasting that voting power, that that linkage use is going to waste.
That's a great question. If you have links pointing to you from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Wikipedia, Flickr, or any other social site, they've all no followed their links that are external links, meaning no page rank for you. I'm not saying you don't do social media marketing. Just don't expect to get juice directly from those social media links. What's that? What's that?
Social media links don’t pass PageRank directly, but they seed remarkable content to influencers who create valuable backlinks.
Permit links or what's important?
Links that pass PageRank. That's what they're called.
What about Google, though? Because there was always this talk about
Google, it's the any link that's nofollow doesn't count. They're all any social site has figured out that if they don't nofollow, they're gonna get spammed to hell. Pinterest, for a while, took the high road and said, We're going to pass PageRank. And they got spammed to hell, and then they joined the crowd as well. You can easily check with a plug-in, a browser extension, that will show you which links are nofollowed in red.
Or, you just view the source, view the HTML source, and you do a find in the HTML for nofollow, and see if you're or if you're linked. And see if it's nofollow. What is, just to define, what does nofollow mean? It's an attribute to the HTML tag where the Ahref, where you basically it's a link, right?
Ahref equals, and then the URL. And then there's an attribute that's rel equals nofollow. You're looking for that nofollow in the links, you know, HTML code. And if it's present, then Google ignores that link.
I get to do this right because I'm going to be the dumb blog. Why would somebody want to put that in there?
I have nofollow links all over the place because I don't want spammers, and they would want to do that all day long. That's a big problem. Why do people still want to get their links into social media, like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and all that? Because it's an indirect benefit. What will happen is if you have influencers, the link karate who are watching those channels, those, uh, those accounts on social media, and they see your stuff, and they're like, wow, that's cool.
And then they blog about it. Now you get a link that counts. It's a way to seed remarkable content. When I say remarkable, I mean like worth remarking about content. It doesn't have to be the biggest, most hilarious viral thing out there, but it has to have something about it that's worth remarking about. You see that in social media, from power user accounts to authoritative, influential accounts. And that will hopefully spread. We have authority in the eyes of Google.
You need content worth remarking about. It doesn’t have to be the biggest viral thing but must add value.
Let's go back to Ricky, who mentioned his CPA site. There's really nothing linkable on his site because it's more of a static page that's marketing the business. You would have to have something that is linkable, being a story or a tip or a trick to allow them external access.
Any page is linkable, so if I really liked you and I want to help you out, I'll link to you from my site. But Google knows that when you have a commercial relationship or a friendship, it's not a link earned by merit. Google is so good at sniffing those out and discounting those links.
It really should be a link earned by merit. And how are you going to get a meritoriously earned link? By having remarkable content that adds massive value to the readers, to the users, and to the viewers if you're doing videos.
You're going to have a whole point about their customer. And they'll buy a link because blog posts are favorable to them. But if it had a higher, you'd go see some more content. Yes. And I said no. Because what they wanted to do was DM the negative story and allow something else from the book. Is that ethical?
I don't know that it's not ethical. People request that links be removed or not followed all the time for various reasons. There are a lot of low-quality links that point to our various websites, and we can't help it. They are trying to damage our reputation in the eyes of Google by buying links for us, which is against Google's Office of Guidelines. They'll try to ruin your reputation with Google because you're a competitor.
They'll spend 100 buying links out of, you know, some foreign country. Low-quality links in very bad neighborhoods online. And then, now, your reputation is sullied by this competitor. Outreaching to the webmasters and saying, "Hey, can you remove that link?" It is something that happens all the time.
I want to go back again to service-based sites, back to Ricky or Loneray, doing a training site, you know, where he's getting people physically healthy. Or, I know you do blog, it's different for Fred. But if they're doing service-based sites, that's more of a marketing site. They need to do something that adds value to the site beyond the marketing approach, right?
It could be articles, infographics, personality tests, or quizzes. Alright, it could be checklists, cheat sheets, worksheets, buyer's guides, how-to guides, or any number of things, including viral videos. You can get ideas by going to BuzzFeed. You can actually use that site colon search that I showed you just a few minutes ago.
Do site:BuzzFeed.com, which has a surprise—it just blows my mind—over a billion-dollar valuation. It's a viral site with over a billion-dollar valuation. From my phone, I can't the reason I'm the way, I'm streaming with Amiibo, I'm using the Amiibo app because I cannot afford all the distractions.
Out of today, out of tonight. Freaking, just lose all the distractions. Because of the deep work that you need to be doing, we're doing all shallow work. As knowledge workers, we spend most of our time in email, and it's just that we can be replaced by robots. It's the stupidest stuff that we're spending our time on.
As a social media person, I have to disagree, but we'll talk later.
Well, I'm on social media all the time, but it's not me. I have a team of people, and the stuff goes through me. But I'm not on there, like, doing stuff. Like, if I need to post a Facebook Live, and I don't have my Mevo? I'll briefly install the Facebook app; I'll do my live stream.
Just turn off alerts.
It's not just about the alerts. It's about, like, you're in line, and you're like, "Oh, I got time. I'm just waiting for the, you know, in the checkout."
And you just get this addiction.
Sounds like you need a support group on this, but that's okay. Let's move on. Right now, again, something remarkable. You're going to BuzzFeed, and you're saying we can take stuff off of BuzzFeed or automate stuff.
Just ideas. Let's put in for an idea accounting. Let's look for ideas for articles, personality tests, and other things. You've seen BuzzFeed all over on Facebook with things like, what city should you actually live in, right? And you take the test because you're curious. Because they use the words actually, which presupposes you should that you should be living in a different city than you actually are. If I wanted to start thinking about pieces that will get me a lot of links. Now, remember, just having that great content isn't enough.
"Ricky. Oh, it's been a couple of days since I've been to Ricky's blog or his website. I should go check out what he's got there." No, nobody does that. We have to seed that stuff into social media. We need to get it out there because otherwise, it's just going to sit there and brainstorm to get the remarkable content ideas that will then take a different spin on it.
How many articles do you post a week?
Probably less than one. I'm writing it.
Yeah, I know you are. Yeah, but you then seed it everywhere. I mean, I did the site search and value by making sure he has one fresh article every week. And it's seeded everywhere, so he's conscious of it.
Kind of a boring keyword; let's come up with something that's related to what you do. Yeah. But how about tax return? Yeah, tax evasion. We could do a tax evasion as well—tax shelters. Okay, we're going to subtract Trump from us because of this.
You see what he just did? He used the minus word and minus sign in the word Trump, and now all that has removed the word Trump from all the searches. Let's do that. Because that's buzzing right now. Like his tax return.
That's called newsjacking, where you take a rising, a trending topic, and that's a very valid thing to do. I probably wouldn't do that with Trump right now. Let's look for things that are not Trump-related, and in the USA? You can do some negatives, like create a custom time range and stuff.
But you get the idea here, right? We're gonna dig in here for ideas Imgur. Let me show you what Imgur is. There are a lot of viral images on this site. And there are some of them we could do a search.
We'll find, when's accounting day? I want to know when accounting day is. It's like Boxing Day. You can make it a holiday.
Here's one, finally! Something funny about accounting. I love accounting. It makes people cry. That's awesome. Right, you have to find this stuff. Imagine if you were to write an article about 10 tips you need to know about filing your tax return.
That's genius, right? Now, there's something for people to pin if they're using Pinterest. Because if you have no images, there's nothing for them to pin. And it's viral and funny, and they'll just share it or whatever it is. Illustration or comment. Do you do an image reference? It's called duplicate content, but the text is what we care about, right? If we have duplicate text, we're in a compromised position. If another site has more authority and a higher page rank than us, it will show up for that search.
Yeah, I don't want to get too in the weeds on this, but if you have, if you believe you have, or it's a Create Commons licensed image, then you can download it, you could modify it, you could then use that image, and it's different from all the others that are out there. That's ideal. But what if you don't have permission?
And the best SEO advantage when we're talking about viral memes is when you can save nearly as much. Make sure it's done. Talk about last week's; I'm sure that's what he's talking about sources that are great for. You must think outside the box, right?
You created a blog post on accounting, but it's so simple and commercial. You just call up the 10 funniest. Nobody's going to call you on it and say, "Hey, where's the one on cat hurting? One needs to be in the top 10." There is a very funny cat hurting, I think EDT. It's awesome. You just make a little collection. You do what's called a listicle. It's a listicle. Elistical is like a top ten list, but it doesn't have to be ten, it could be seven, it could be thirteen, it could be thirty seven. This is really funny. Like if we had audio, it's my daughter's cat.
There you go. Now you've moved it from the it's a friend's cat. It's a friend's cat.
I'm watching. Yeah, right. In terms of curation, if you look at BuzzFeed, and you say, "Well, how do I create something that's swarming with articles, 18 things, 17 things, 32 things, 5, it's, everything's a number." Why is that? Because it works, it gets the clicks, it gets the engagement. A great study was done by Conductor, and it's written up in a Moz.com article. Five data insights into the headlines that readers click.
Let me show you this graph. 36% of readers prefer number-based headlines versus number-addressing headlines, using you or you in the headline. You can do both. I recommend that. But if you aren't starting with a number, you've already, you know, taken a big hit. Based on headlines, 11%. If you are writing your headlines, your blog post titles as questions, you suck. And you didn't even know it. Okay, curation, we're good with that. You guys get the gist of this. You're gonna use tools like good YouTube searches, finding funny comments, let's see.
What would be another funny accounting thing? I'm sure we could find it. I'm sure we could. There's a little bit of my brain to work on that problem while we're going ahead.
Just to clarify a couple of things. I've used Huffington Post to drive a lot of traffic with the account on Huffington Post. I never worried about whether we had duplicate content because what I wanted was face recognition for our smaller figures. If you have that much smaller and they're that much bigger, what's why would you even think about trying to do it twice?
Well, you need to think about these problems of duplicate content because there are, so here's what I do. I write for the Huffington Post. I have a column. And by the way, Huffington Post recently made a change to a direct, published platform. And those pages, those articles you write, don't even make it into Google anymore. It's a complete freaking waste of time to write for Huffington Post. Don't do it. I've stopped writing for them. And this was a recent change within the last month. And that totally sucks.
Write for sites where your content won’t get buried.
Because of Google's vision. Why? I don't know. Maybe they're lazy? I have no idea. But it is lazy.
They're owned by Verizon.
What's that?
They're owned by Verizon.
Right. Yeah, I wrote, and I decided that I was not going to, so this is an important concept. This is really valuable. Let's take this away. I started writing a post for social media, Facebook in particular. I found this great video of Jonathan Fields, the Good Life Project. Who's heard of the Good Life Project? Great. So touching, so powerful. I need to share this. But it's a YouTube video. Facebook hates YouTube. If I post a YouTube video, it's gonna just get buried. What am I doing? I had this, like, three paragraphs, and it was really compelling, but it's a YouTube video.
Go to Facebook natively, which, if it was my own video, really valuable post that I'm writing, I'm three paragraphs in, I could right? So I did.
You'd find instead of Huffington Post now that they made this change. After it is published, one of us gets the ability to write inside Lifehack or one of these. Yeah. You find the page that.
And you fill out the form. Of course. But what does it take to be approved? Articles. For example, if you haven't written anything online, you're going to, but you won't like this article. And be an authority. Let's just say you haven't, but you posted stuff on Facebook. Should you make it a Twitter when you write on Facebook? Or should you make it a Facebook?
Yeah. Facebook owns a blog, so the way that you'd approve it is you'd post that stuff on your blog. Then you don't have a blog. Start a freaking blog and take a look at it like that, you know your name.com. So it's an extra 15. You're better off with self-hosting.
I would take a nice-looking theme and post them; there's the business to the community, and you can. These are great opportunities. You can have the authority of that website name to validate you. The Facebook post I did end up posting. Now, when you look at that post, check this. Look at that. Fifteen hundred likes. And you know, I have my own Facebook. I pushed it out.
Here you are. That's how this works. You're going to the ultimate endgame, and here, you're going to get links. If you have 11 pages, that's 11 pages and using that as a link back to results. And there's more information. Have a look to see if the links that you've included in your bio are not following the rules. Not doing direct to publish. They had an editor, which you added to your post. Do you have a commercial relationship?
They would let it go after I do those links. Now, I have some great content for my media page. There are people watching, but it doesn't matter because when you go to my site. I'm the authority, and I'm a celebrity. It's different. Like, "Oh, is get on TV, not just radio." Those things rank really high. Like the podcast movement, and I get on other people's shows, and you'll create that celebrity status for yourself. You probably need help with that.
First, my pitch is about when I'm on the phone with the TV producer on a particular topic. "Stephan, I know you can go for hours on this." I could. That we would understand. Are you guys okay with that? Five minutes or ten minutes? You have twenty minutes if you want. Let's see here. I can engage with you guys and answer questions and stuff, but then I can't. I want you to be the competitors who are crushing it. You need to look at your own, and that's what this the: self-audit. Because you're gonna get all sorts of insight into remarkable opportunities like partnerships.
Let's take another volunteer. Give me a sight. It's education. Education. Positive behavior. I'm probably going to have to coach you on this. I'm going to coach you on this because I think that is the case. I'm going to use a tool called Majestic. Majestic gives you some data for free, but it is a paid tool, so you want to get a paid account for it. We're gonna use ClassDojo.com. I forgot that. Yes, here for a moment. This is not fantastic. I'm gonna go ahead and log in, which I most care about right now, just to see who I can. Like, what they're doing. Trust flow 25, this is on a logarithmic scale. Between 0 and 100. 25 is the logarithmic nature of this metric. The Richter scale is another log.
It's very different from a 7. But you know, go from a 7 to an 8, and it's world-changing, right? What's your goal? What's a good number to have? We want somebody who's maybe over 40 or something. That would be ideal.
Which is great for a personal blog. It's pretty impressive. But, you know, I'm kind of in the space. Sight, because I really want to find somebody who's crushing it. So, no, I'm going to still use you. Type of search and see who's really ranking high. Have you heard of them? Yes, they're magazines. Why they actually don't have to try. They're totally outranking you because they have so much authority. Now, we have a great competitor to animals.
We'll see, though. 67! Boom! Okay, now we have some, and now we're going somewhere. Now, we're going to look at the backlinks. I click on this backlink tab here. And you could use, instead of Majestic, if you prefer to use Ahrefs, or some of the tools will
Open Site Explorer from Moz is definitely a favorite of mine. Educationworld.com: We've got some links pointing to Fodor's links to EducationWorld. A couple of months later, it disappeared. Here's a Nasa.gov link. How can we get a Nasa.gov link? They got one related to a scavenger hunt that the education world put on. Alright, here we start to get ideas for remarkable campaigns as well.
Educators involved, maybe we hide in the online world, we hide some clues in the real world, we do some clues and stuff. And what's cool is this: you're just kind of a trending topic. Google Analytics. SEM rush is another. I have all of the accounts. And there's one chapter in here. If you only read one chapter, it's chapter seven on content marketing. Great, remarkable content. How to seed it into social media. All those are on every page of your site. I just made that shit up. I mean, that's how good I am. Yes, you don't have to change the text. Oh, great. Yeah, it always comes up. It's not for fixing.
Oh, that's cool. And where are we going to put that? Did you put that on his site?
Yeah, you're going to. The best place to put it is on your blog because there's so much creative freedom. If you have a blog on your site, there's a bunch of free ones out there. I've created one that's available. You can use the quiz plug-in for your personality tests. For personality tests, which superhero do you like? Batman? Superman? Robin?
He didn't really go to Comic Con.
Let's say Your favorite color is black. What's your favorite animal? And then, what are the attributes? What are the attributes of these five personality types? Got it. Right. So, what are your favorite colors? What is the multiple-choice answer? My sidekick is like, you know, it's just like, oh, wait a second. See the pattern as the person taking the test, but you fill it out with that pattern because of the plugin. Where do you find this? I can't see to locate it. This is on Netconcepts.com. It's netconcepts.com/wordpress-quiz-plugin.
Say it again
Netconcepts.com/wordpress-quiz-plugin. This dash plugs it real quick. Yeah, the thing I'm missing is the link he created all this content. Now it's out on his accounting website. I didn't actually get anyone to read what's the best way. Yeah. Because that's part of how we actually signed up for whatever. Right. So now, looking at your content, hopefully, you're getting in both places.
But the place that I'm most caring about right now because I don't have any authority, is an industry site that has high metrics. If we look at Majestic or Moz Open Site Explorer or something, right? That's part of the equation. Another part of it is we're going to do outreach. We're going to outreach to influencers. Now I have some influencers in my hip pocket that I just pay to post stuff.
That was that. That's the question. Can you find people?
Yeah, you can find that. It's hard. It's really hard. You're going to have to network your butt off, go to conferences and so forth. Somebody who has massive authority, like if you were to punch in social media or Google, I mean, how ideally, yeah, they have it in social media too, but I mostly want somebody who's really powerful in the blogosphere if they are powerful with high clout scores and all that too.
Great. But ideally, the best kind of influencer is one who is powerful in both. And then, when I seed it through that power user, let's say they have a powerful account on Reddit. Who knows about Reddit? Okay, who has an actual Reddit account? Okay, on Reddit, you have this metric called Link Karma.
Who has a Link Karma score over 10,000? Anyone? Okay, without decent link karma, you're not going to hit the front page of Reddit. And you need to hit the front page of Reddit. I have a power user who is employed by me, and she built up an account from scratch for me on Reddit, and within three months, not only had it got over to 30,000 link karma points, she hit the front page with that account in the process four times.
The question is so great. These people, I think you call them, what did you call them?
The linkerati.
Linkerati. Yes. Are those people for sale?
It's difficult. I mean, if they were to put that out there, that would be really bad for them. Um, and I don't actually buy links. That's against Google's guidelines. What I'm saying is that if you get a power user, like somebody who's a power, uh, powerful, influential person on Reddit, Like, I'm a powerful, influential person on Reddit. I don't pay my power user to post from her account. I said I wanted to be a power user. Make me an account that is powerful. She's in the Century Club, meaning she has over 100,000 Link Karma coins, but she's not seeding my stuff from her account. I have a powerful account. That's the ideal. And then, you want to be, like, so, you know, Virtuous and giving and value-added on these sites like Reddit.
But I think the question really is, since we don't have time to do the wizardry that you're doing. How do we find these influential individuals and how do we connect with them?
Yeah, you're going to use some tools. Let me show you a couple. This is this. This will blow your mind as well. There's a tool called Follower Walk. Who's heard of it? Followerwonk.com This is a great tool. Awesome. It's from the guys at Moz. Or, actually, they acquired the site.
I actually accidentally logged in with my client account. I didn't want you guys to see my password, I just picked the first one. Okay, I'm logged in. Now check this out. Search bios. Let's say that I'm looking for a journalist in education. Okay, what type of education? Like Sexual. Okay, not that. Let's do a different thing. Twitter bios. Let's do education, education journalist. Okay. Education journalist. And I'll try different ones, too, if I'm actually doing this for a client. But what I'm looking for are influencers, especially like journalists, uh, like reporters, those sorts of keywords.
Because they'll put it in their bio on Twitter, and now we have a great list of all these people. Pitchbox. And with Pitchbox, it will build a database of these influencers, and you can set it to, like, a minimum threshold of, let's say, clout score, that's KLOUT, or a minimum threshold of Moz rank, or domain authority, or whatever the metric is. We've got that list; we put in keywords, let's say education blog, education blogger, various keywords, and it's going to scrape the Google results, it's going to build a prospect list by scraping those websites then looking for contact information.
It will allow you to prioritize the order in which you will contact those people. Let's say it finds five people at each company, at each website, and we don't want a webmaster app; we want the, let's say, the marketing director or the person, the partnership person or whatever as the first one. And if we don't get a response after, let's say ten days, we set the setting to ten days or fourteen days. It sends a follow up email. We write all these emails. There's a template library we can base it on, and it just feels like you're getting a personal email from you to this company, to this blog or whatever, and try to add value first before you make an ask.
You're saying, well, hey, I write for Huffing Post. I'm working on an article about X, and I would love to get a quote from you or interview you. Can we sit down for a few minutes? That's a great way to make an initial contact and start the relationship rather than saying, "Hey, I've got this great free report."
I'd love for you to share it with your readers. Like, they're going to say F you. They're going to hit delete. Because they get those all the time. You add value first. Give and then get. You're going to use a tool like Pitchbox that manages the whole process. It's got an SEO inbox, so you can keep this completely separate from your main email because you don't want a ton of all these emails back and forth happening inside your normal email account.
It will track through sales pipeline-type reports, like what Salesforce.com has, but because it's influencer outreach pipeline reports. You don't lose track of who did what. They were going to do. So freaking cool. Trying to do this by hand. It is painful. Totally use a tool like this. This is another massive tip. Because you've got to outreach. You've got to create remarkable content. And then you've got to outreach. Otherwise, nobody's going to discover it. Yeah, you're going to have a platform. You're going to start contributing to whatever big sites that you can get on. Life hack or whatever. But this is killer, because the influencers are your key to success. Are we good?
I still don't understand how we get them. I know how to follow them.
No, that was follower one. Just to follow them. Or just to figure out who they are. This tool, here let me show you.
Here's Andy. Andy's a wine guy. He's the top wine guy out there but wants to follow. And I know you know Rob and Gar and those guys there, but he wants to get to like Rob and Gar, who's a huge wine person. Right? Because he's going to write an article and find the best wine in a box, no one could ever believe it was that good. How would he write this article? How would he get Rob Gar to see this article and have Rob and Gar quote something from the article?
Okay, let me answer that in a second after I complete the loop on this concept because I didn't know that Rob and Gar even existed for him yet. I got to use the tool to build the prospect list. Based on high clout scores, high Moz rank scores, high domain authority, right? I want people with big names who are big in the eyes of Google. Got it
Is Klout's still valid?
He's probably a major influencer. But Klout's still a valid tool, is what you're saying? Well, clout is just one way to look at it. I'm much more interested in the Moz rank or domain authority scores, because that's actually in the eyes of Google. Got it. Important, authoritative in the eyes of Google. Right. Now I got my prospect list using this tool. Now I'm going to do an outreach, but how am I going to, what am I going to come up with?
There are definitely wine influencers out there that you don't know. And there have the right stuff. But Google does. Google loves the site. Google can be wrong, but we still want to link from them. Right? You could hate Halliburton; for example, Halliburton gets a lot of hate. But Pitch Box doesn't.
Does the Pitch Box contact that?
It does the pitch. That's what I thought. You have to think about what's gonna be. This deadline and so forth, and it feels like, "Hey, this is a personal email." He or she handcrafted that in Gmail or in their email partner, right? That's what you want the outcome to feel like to the recipient, but you're gonna do this.
We're sending a smallish number, you know, maybe it's a hundred or something, but they're two influencers, people who Google thinks are kick ass. Ultimately, they're going to link to us. Yes. But ideally, we don't even want to have to ask them for the link. They're going to be like, "Duh, of course, I'm going to spread this far and wide. I'm going to shout it from the mountaintop." If I had a much better, well-thought-out campaign idea, let's say that I worked with Namali Resort in Fiji, which Tony Robbins owns.
I helped them with some SEO. I came up with the idea of a compilation e-book, a killer guide to the killer destination wedding. Like a wedding planner's guide to the killer destination wedding. Imagine using this tool to outreach to wedding planners all around the world who have high authority in Google.
High domain authority, high MozRank, high citation flow or trust flow, whatever metric you like. And we're not wasting our time with all these really well-qualified, highly-qualified wedding planners I want; that's what I care about. I'm reaching out to these people and saying, "Hey, we'd love to get a contribution from you. You know, X number of words, and you know, there'll be a hundred or 200 whatever contributions. It's gonna be a 200 or 300-page e-book, uh, with the. We'll put it on Kindle, and we'll do this and the other thing." They didn't end up doing it.
Because of cost?
There wasn't enough enthusiasm in the company. Like, you need a point person, and you need a champion inside the company. Otherwise, this stuff doesn't like, see its way through. Just that thought. You send them an invitation to put your quote in your article. How do you get them to put your stuff on their site? Well, if they have a quote in an article, who doesn't want to have it on their website, as seen in the Huffington Post?
You could outreach to them after the fact and say, "Hey, the article's live. Here's the link. It was a real pleasure, you know, working with you all."
They have to post the link back.
But give them the link, right? Because they're not going to think about keeping checking for when the article's live. But you probably don't even have to ask for the link. But let's say you got on somebody's podcast, or no, let's say that you have a podcast. I have a podcast. Two of them. And some people didn't like to shout it from the rooftops that they were on my podcast. That's fine. Eventually, I'll go back to them, and I'll say, and of course, after it publishes, I will send them an email and everything. Send them a sample tweet that they could use or tweak or whatever, but if three weeks, four weeks, or two months go by.
They still haven't posted it to their media page on their blog or website, I can outreach to them and say, "Hey, just, you know, wanted to let you know that you might want to include our interview on your media page because my podcast is kind of a big deal. I've had Dave Asprey on, Jay Abraham and blah, blah, blah, you know. All these number one New York Times bestsellers." Then, if they have already listed some podcasts on their media page, of course, they will want to add mine with that gentle reminder. But you gotta craft this in a way that doesn't feel like, "Hey, I just want the link."
Was that enough? And just to let you know, this is 95 bucks a month. Can we do a community one on this? Or is this? Yeah, I know the guys. I could ask if anyone's interested. What I'd love for you to do first, you to be for security?
Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. Check this out. Oh, and this is another screen from Pitchbox. You can even like blogger outreach campaigns. You can even outreach to get links removed if you've got spammy links pointing to your site. But here's the gift. Where is it? Oh, yeah. Here it is.
By the way, my wife has actually read this whole book. Yeah, it's a badass book.
It really is. If you don't want to read on a Kindle or something, you want to actually read the paperback book. I do have some copies in the car. I can't just give a bunch of them away because they're expensive. The retail value is $50. It's a $50 retail. You can get it on Amazon for 38. But I'll sell them to you guys if you want a paperback for my author discount, which is $25. I've got probably 20.
That used to be green, right?
This is the new edition. You don't wanna read the green one? Because the green one's out of date. Out date, can we go back in time to get about a third of the way in new?
You had a question from another guy who said you should talk about Google. The Google modification that happened last week.
Gregory Mark, basically, the idea here is that if you are not mobile optimal, you're screwed. More searches are happening. What's that? Yeah. There are three types of mobile sites. Responsive, so responsive design. That's the best way that Google recommended. There's dynamic serving, where the URLs don't change, but the content changes, and the HTML changes, depending on the device that you're connecting with as a user. The third type is a separate mobile site, which has a separate mobile site like mobile dot, m dot, or something like that.
Ranking, thank goodness, because those suck. Those will be really bad for you, and then you will have to worry about amp-accelerated mobile pages. There's the mobile-friendly test. You have to put your site through. You have to check your page speed using Page Speed Insights, which is a free tool. Am I blowing your magazine?
No, but you gotta, you have to specify. If you're using the new CMS platforms, either from GMLR or WordPress, or, or Drupal, whatever, the new ones automatically do dynamic surveys, right? They automatically, dynamically go to mobile.
Most of them are responsive. But it depends on the theme. You have to pick the right WordPress theme that is responsive. If you pick some old ones or something new, it is responsive, right? I can help people with this.
I know you can, but let me finish this concept here and then make the announcement. So, this is a tool that you all need to know. It's free and called Page Speed Insights.
There's another free tool called the Mobile Friendly Test. This is available inside of Google Search Console as well, but even if you don't have your Search Console set up. What was the second one? Mobile Friendly Test. You're going to put it on your website. Can I get a different volunteer?
MillionDollarCollar.com. And we'll also do PageSpeed Insights. Now I've got the rainbow.
That's your computer, not my site, right? What's that? I said that was your computer going slow.
Yeah, that's my computer going slow. But that doesn't affect these results because it's using the Google servers. The mobile using dynamic surveying going to be a good experience for a mobile user? If it's not, if it doesn't pass this test, you're going to suck in the Google mobile search results.
Does this take any consideration in any of the proxy or cache engines? You could do a WordPress search.
That's a technical nuance; let's save it for after. I'm overtime here. This is the PageSpeed Insights tool. And we'll put in a million dollar collar on here as well.
I passed.
You passed. That's awesome. But that's an easy way to pass that test. This one is not as much, especially on mobile. They're a lot harder on you. I got so many freaking tabs open that it's rainbow-viewing. What it's going to check here is how fast and efficient your web pages are.
It's not just server speed, right? It's also client speed, like the JavaScript implementation and so forth that you've done. Is it taking a lot of time on the user's computer for your page to render? Because that's not going to be good.
PageSpeed isn’t just server speed; it’s also client-side performance like JavaScript and rendering time.
While you're doing this, I just want to bring this up. So, last one, with Shane, are you here? He took off.
He did? I think 10 people ended up working with Shane. Wow. Okay, 10 of you. That's awesome. How do we work with you? And what value can we have in return? First, what's the cost for someone like you?
Okay, the cost for someone like me I charge $15,000 a month retainer. If you were to just work with me to do an audit. I was going to walk you through the do-it-yourself audit $35,000.
Good. Send us the links so we can do it ourselves.
But, I also have a training program that's like nine or ten hours long. It'll walk you through exactly how to do your own self-audit. I pulled up each of the tools, not just a PowerPoint. I pull up Google Search Console and walk you through how to run all the different reports and things, how to run a crawl using Screaming Frog, which is free for up to 500 URLs. That's another great tool. It's really great content. That's 9 hours of training. That's $497.
Your wedding is in 3 weeks.
Can you give us that as your wedding gift to you?
I'm just saying. I just wanted to see if it worked. That's my kid's logic, and it worked on me every once in a while. I always tell my kids, do you want to go to bed now or earlier? I don't want to go to bed earlier, and I want to go to bed now. Okay. I was just trying that logic on you.
But I'm giving you guys a free copy of my book. Let me give you that now.
What's that?
You have to create an account on O'Reilly.com to download it.
But how much would it cost us to buy that? I'm being serious.
To buy?
The ten hours.
The ten hours of recordings and training? You're killing me here. That's $4.97, that's the discount price.
I'm just asking.
If that's what it is, it is. I'm okay with that. Okay, $2.97.
$2.97. Wow.
Yeah. It's $2.97. I think it's awesome. Alright. Okay, my computer just froze because I had so damn many tabs open and everything. Here's the URL to download the free book if you haven't already grabbed that URL. It's stephanspencer.com/freebook. Hey, it's back.
What's it called again? One more time?
So, Stephan Spencer, STEPHANSPENCER.com.
Send me everything
I'll send it to you.
Do you want to send me a bunch of links? Sure, hang on, guys. Or do you want the database? Do you want me to give you the links to everybody that's here? I would love the database. I'll give you that, and you can send everything out to everyone, okay?
I'll send the deck. Does everybody have a card? Did you get the podcast cards? Do subscribe to my podcast. They are freaking awesome. It's amazing free content. And I want to help you.
There is something called Tab Suspender. It is a Google Chrome thing. It suspends any tabs after a minute. You never have your computer slow. We use it all day long. It is unbelievable. But what about Safari? Because I love Safari.
What do you use? Should we be using Chrome or Safari? Why do you use Safari over Chrome?
I love Apple. Apple. I love Apple.
You love Apple.
I love Apple. Even for you, someone who used it, I want to bequeath all my money to Apple.
You don't use the Google product?
I do, but only for things that require it. Require the Chrome browser. Like for example, I used a tool called, um,
I really wanted to see this. Amazon Prime won't play on Safari. What's that? Amazon Prime won't play on Safari.
Yeah, a lot of things won't play on Safari. And you got Java that sits inside. Search metrics when it finally loads are so mind-blowing awesome. I have beta access to it. It's not live yet. It'll be live in January.
It's a topic, and then you can say I'm killing my Safari. What is it called? Yeah, I'm killing Safari. Where? No, okay. There we go. Force quit. Goodbye, Safari. There's a lot of backlash on the new Apple products.
That MacBook Pro, they're saying, is just a mess. I just bought the new MacBook. I mean, I'm not using it tonight. I've seen it on the blogs. It's the first time they've, like, guys have, gone after Apple. They're saying it's just a mess. Okay, here's the URL. Stephanspencer.com/freebook.
I will send it to everyone who's here, so you'll send an email. Research tool ever. You can create a new brief. Watch this. I'm going to give me a keyword—a wine. Let's do wine. Wine. Okay, wine. And where do we get this? You'd have to talk to SearchMetrics. I can make an intro to you so that you can hopefully get beta access, but it's like a, you know, private beta right now.
I'm certainly happy to make that intro, though. Check this out though, this is so freaking cool. What does it cost? It's expensive. I don't know if they've even set a limit. Like 10 grand a month or 100 grand a month? No, not 10 grand a month.
Why are they better than the other cheaper ones? Well, Why are they doing it differently?
I don't know. I have no idea. It's in different colors based on search volumes, but it's not just that. It could be based on seasonality. Look at that! Why is Pepto? It looks cool.
Competitiveness. It looks the same. They all look the same. The most competitive keywords here, or topics, are click on wine cooler. Click on the wine cooler. A wine cooler and barbell jeans, right? Before I do that, let me just explain that the distance from my main topic is how unrelated the keyword or this topic is.
So, a wine cooler is pretty different from wine. Would you agree? But wine enthusiasts, not as much. Red wine is almost the same as wine cooler, but that doesn't make any sense. Well, what are we talking about? Almost the same. Top right. You're saying wine, red wine, and red wine is the same distance as a wine cooler.
Red wine and white wine are similarly unrelated, but the wine cooler is a bit farther. It is farther, but it's a completely different color if you look at the topic analysis. The semantic associations, look at this, are completely different colors. It understands that this is so unrelated to a topic, like this is so not wine, right?
Whereas all these ones, like wine and spirits, wine spectator, wine enthusiast, and total wine, yes, are more semantically related to each other. But red wine and white wine aren't? Red wine is different from white wine because they're different colors. Right? If you are into red wine, you may not be into white wine.
They're different. And then if I want to go into like white wine, and say let's expand this topic. What's inside a white wine? Well, you got Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc, and blah, blah. But this tool already understands all that. Freaking cool! I'm trying to figure out what I am going to write about.
This is blowing out all these topics for me, and then I can add them to my topic list, and then I can write a post or an article about that thing. Let's add, like, the best white wines. Let's select that. Let's do white wine brands. Let's select that as well. And let's do a drive. And by the way, you can also look at the search intent. Is it a navigational, informational, or transactional search? It will color it based on what type of search it is. And then sales funnels. Where is it in the funnel? Is it at the consideration stage? Is it at the purchase stage? Is it at the retention stage?
It color codes all these based on those things. Now, I'm the content editor. I can write my article about whatever, you know, white wine, you know, the best white wines of 2016 or whatever. And it scores it as I write the content. So, Wine Spectator. Wow. It sucks the best magazine for, uh, white wine. I don't know, right? So it's scoring in real time as I'm writing the article. Readability, content score, whatever. But check this out, too. Watch this. Let's take a search for white wine. I'm going to find an article. Let's say that I finished my article.
How about this one, White Wine Basics? Okay, I'm going to copy and paste this in. Let's pretend that I wrote this. And I want to see how well of a job I did with this. I paste it in. Okay, it does the content analysis. It's doing its thing. There we go. It's look at that. All the green checks.
Boom! I hit all these different keywords, which are not the same thing as topics. I added some topics and then the keywords inside of the topics. It built a keyword list. It told me how many times I've used each of those keywords, whether I'm in the green zone or still in the red zone for those. Maybe I'm over the top in the red zone.
So, red zone because I overoptimized as I did for a white wine with this. What's my content score? What's my word count? My readability? Boom. Isn't that amazing? So I love this tool. I love this tool. Yeah, it's searchmetrics. It's not out yet, but I can probably hook you up with a beta account. You have my card or give me your card and write search metrics on it, and I'll make an intro. They love me, and I'm sure they'll take good care of you. PageSpeed Insights is a free tool that crashes my Safari browser.
MillionDollarCollar.com. Now it's analyzing. It's going to tell me how it scores on mobile and desktop. My site, your site for PageSpeed. PageSpeed is a signal that Google uses in its rankings algorithm, and it's, of course, more important for mobile because people are on, you know, bandwidth-restricted accounts on their phones; they're paying for all that usage.
You are in the red zone for both mobile and desktop, and this is not a good score. 54 out of 100. We got a map that's kind of slow, and it shows you what to do. This is what it looks like. It's mobile-friendly, and it's designed for mobile, but you have a bunch of issues, and this is only scratching the surface.
You really need to bring in an experienced expert. You guys are not mobile-first these days. Mobile first. Thank you for that. Mobile first gets us to the original question. Google, what is the freaking announcement? That mobile is the primary index of the future for Google.
If you are not mobile-optimized from the ground up, you are going to suck in Google just across the board. The main index, the main database that Google is going to use, is a, with their mobile crawler. And that's going to happen next year. If we present designs to Google now, the first design we present is on mobile devices.
If you're not mobile-optimized from the ground up, you’re going to suck in Google’s mobile-first index.
More searches on mobile devices on Google than on desktops are happening, and that's never going back. That's outside the states. Yeah.
So how much responsibility do platforms like WordPress and Google have to optimize versus your personal responsibility?
What's your responsibility to optimize? When you have a website that's search engine friendly, like WordPress, or if you have an e-commerce site, like Magento Commerce, Shopify, whatever. Whatever the platform is, it could be search engine-friendly. But that's not search engine optimized. You have to put in the effort. You have to do all the keyword research. You gotta, like I showed you that expensive tool, but there are a lot of free tools you can use. You can start with tools like Soovle. Check this out.
I know I'm so over time but watch this. I'm going to start typing. Are you looking for baby names? Watch this. I'm going to start typing in the word baby. And it's pulling from Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, and Answers.com, Wikipedia, and Amazon, all simultaneously.
Watch this play. SOOVLE.com. This gives you opportunities to brainstorm. Let's say that I'm a baby furniture manufacturer. I'm selling baby furniture online on my website. I want to think outside the box. Like, what can I create that's remarkable content? I'm thinking of going after keywords like baby furniture, bassinets and cribs.
I need to think outside the box. And I didn't even think about baby names. Because I don't sell baby names, but Look at this, baby names are far up the list on a lot of these search engines; it's like a no-brainer. I need to create remarkable content around baby names. But around mobile, viewability becomes an issue, right? Your titles have to be shorter. You can't have these really long titles for your blog. Your titles and your title tags should be this: it will blow your mind. If you look at it, I know there are so many things that will blow your mind. If you look at the eye-tracking heat map for Google, you'll see people didn't even read more than the first couple of words of your title tag.
Look at this. Here's what happens nowadays. Straight down. They're not even reading over here. Just straight down the page. Where's the egg? What's that? This was an eye-tracking study done by Eye Tools, and I forget who else. It was in partnership with an agency. So they looked at all these users, they were eye tracking them, and then showing the heatmap of where they looked, and they just didn't read the whole thing.
Let's say you're Zappos. I worked with Zappos for multiple years, helping them with SEO. Let's say you have a really powerful value proposition. It's really compelling. Free shipping both ways. That's awesome. They put it at the end of the title tag; nobody reads it.
It's not there for getting SEO because they want to put the important keywords at the beginning for SEO. This is for getting the click. Free shipping both ways. Nobody reads it. We're going to have to put it closer up if you really want people to read it, but then you got to be much more, uh, tight with your keyword usage at the beginning because it's going to be weighed heavier at the beginning of the title tag than at the end. You know, I'm the best accounting software solution or whatever, you know, accountant or whatever, you just screwed yourself over. You put the important keyword at the very end.
Let's go back now to the very beginning. You got your memo here. You've been Facebook live in this. There is no value in this video for SEO. Then, you would write an external article, saying these are the things I talked about at this event. That's what you would do?
I am going to take that video that's saved here. I'm going to upload it to the number two search engine on the planet. YouTube. Well, in the U. S., YouTube. I'm going to optimize that video. I'm going to optimize the thumbnail. You can put graphics on it, whatever. It doesn't even have to be a frame from the video.
That's really important. The thumbnail is the title. I'm going to do keyword research on what people on YouTube are searching for. How do I do that? I use a tool called Google Trends, which is free. Did you know that Google Trends? Who's heard of Google Trends? Who uses it? And who knew that you could do YouTube keyword research with Google Trends?
Google Trends, like, four or five of them. Well, you heard from me, I think. Maybe. Yeah, yeah. I'll be back when you can help me with. This is really awesome. Let's say that I put baby names into Google Trends, and I want to see if this is a popular search term on YouTube.
I change the web search to a YouTube search. People just don't even know that it exists. Now, this, on its own, is not going to give me any real data. This is all relative; it's a percentage, and it just doesn't mean anything. I have to put in an additional keyword that I know the volume of in order to get some baseline. Let's pretend that I knew that baby furniture, you know, what its search volume was or whatever. It's just going to suck in comparison to baby names, of course.
Right, this is how I'm going to get a sense of what people are doing on YouTube, typing into YouTube search. With this particular presentation, I can do a bunch of things.
One is I can take the video, upload it to YouTube, create, you know, a campaign around that, and build up, uh, that particular video page. Anything Right, so optimizing all these different elements is just part of that process.
An article like the one I wrote, instead of the Huffington Post, I'll post it somewhere else where it doesn't get killed like COA or something like that. Search Engine Land. I write for them every two months, so I could contribute an article there. I could, you know, wherever, but I'm going to embed the YouTube video, and I'm going to write an article around it because I need that text so that I can rank in Google.
And then I might also post another article on my blog or paraphrase or summarize my Search Engine Land article because I don't want duplicate content. But I can repurpose this in so many different ways. It's just your choice what you do with it. It's not like, oh, it's this huge to-do list.
It's a get to-do list. A content resource that I can repurpose in different ways. Like, so examples. I was talking to them about a campaign they did that was really awesome. They got a Guinness World Record for the most simultaneous high fives. And then they did nothing else with it. So they were in this big stadium, and they got everybody to do it.
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We may collect basic user profile information from our Visitors. We collect this additional information from our Authorized Customers: name, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, the type and size of the business, and the nature and amount of the purchase that the Authorized Customer intends to make. We collect Personally Identifiable Information only for the specific, explicit and legitimate purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Our use of personal data for any purpose other than for which the data were initially collected is only done when it is still compatible with the original purpose. For example, we may tailor communications to suit the interests of Visitors and Approved Customers based on analysis of their Site use and personal information. By providing this information to us you freely give consent to our collection of Personally Identifiable Information in order to serve you. What other organizations are collecting information? 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