Kevin Jessop,
Marketing Manager, alteeve.com“I highly recommend this program and Stephan.”
This program and the group coaching calls, in particular, have been invaluable. The thing that struck me most was that I did not even know what I did not know about SEO. Stephan and his team have broken SEO down in practical and easy to follow course modules. Bringing in examples of other thought leaders in SEO and other case studies is a powerful way to reinforce some of the concepts being taught in the courses. There are a lot of people who claim to do SEO. It is clear to me that Stephan is a leading authority in the field and his clients are lucky to have him on their team.
Bill Krueger,
Owner, BigPig SEO“I started listening to Stephan in 2006, when he essentially got me started in SEO. ”
There are very few masters of this craft but indeed, Stephan is one. I was in the Platinum Membership group for a little over a year, I think and found myself challenged often. The guy shoots straight and tells you what will pay off, and what won’t. Stephan, thanks for all the good info. I highly recommend this group!
Here’s What You Get with
Traffic Control
Once you’re inside everything changes: your outlook on getting traffic to your site, your confidence in your ability to have SEO work FOR you instead of against you, and your plans for a more lucrative business model.
Why? Because you will be peering over the shoulder of an SEO master.
Take a look at what you’re getting here:
A privileged, behind the scenes connection
It’s like having a backstage pass to one of the biggest names in SEO and his team of top notch experts who know everything there is to know about SEO

Ongoing support through weekly Q&A calls and group coaching Jam Session calls
These calls will cover all the bases so there’s no confusion or overwhelm, just a clear path to SEO success

Membership to our lively, active, private Facebook group
This is your chance to ask your most burning questions, interact with members, share your successes and get some real accountability

Quizzes and worksheets to help you stay on top of course content
You won’t be out in the cold! These mind stretching exercises will keep you focused, on track and on the cutting edge of what’s working in SEO RIGHT NOW

Access to the Q&A and coaching archive
This is a massive library of tutorials, answers to frequently asked questions, and in-depth discussions at your fingertips
You’ve checked off all the boxes of your marketing plan.
Your website is done.
Your content, product or service is ready to roll.
Now it’s time to get traffic!
But not just any traffic. We’re talking about targeted, consistent, hungry traffic from people who are looking for your solution.
And it all starts with SEO.
But hang on, I know what you’re thinking. It’s hard to do, it’s complicated to track, it takes forever and you’re at the mercy of constantly changing algorithms and “slaps” right?
This is what stops most people from even trying SEO and I don’t blame them.
But you’re here now, and there IS
a better way to SEO!
Our Traffic Control membership group is designed to set a clear path forward, assist you through unrivaled expertise, and provide ongoing coaching and support from the best in the business.
You don’t know where you’re going without a map right? We give you the map but we also give
you a 3-step way to get where you want to go:
We’ll help you discover which of the five stages of success you find yourself in (building your audience, authority, social media, content, or conversions).
We’ll provide you with the trainings you need to move along each level of your success path. This accelerated program gives you access to all the tools you need to become a true SEO expert, while allowing you to move at your own pace.
The beauty here is in the follow up, and our team is here to assist you every step of the way to keep you motivated and stress-free.
We’ve developed a master framework to utilizing the full-potential of SEO. And it’s all available right at your fingertips.
Who is This For?
See if you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions:
- You’re looking to learn critical skills from one of the leading experts in their field
- You want to save time, resources, and funds on all-things SEO
- You understand SEO isn’t a one-time fix and know it requires continuing education
- You want to get valuable traffic and conversions that will have a lasting impact on your business
- You need to meet your client’s demands to boost their traffic and get results
- You know you need to take advantage of SEO but don’t know where to start
- You want to stay up to date on the latest tricks in a constantly evolving space
Case study
John Rampton is an expert in content marketing. If there’s one thing he knows, it’s how to write copy. When he started Due.com, an online payments processing service, he knew exactly what type of content he needed to engage his customers and get them excited about the company.
But John is the first to admit that he doesn’t know that much about the technical side of SEO. Like any smart business owner, he understands his blind spots, and seeks out experts to help him fill in the gaps.
Over the years, John had worked with a number of SEO consultants. Some were better than others, but they all made one key mistake: they would simply hand him a report the size of War and Peace, and leave him to implement it. Of course, he tried. But what business owner has time to execute hundreds of fiddly technical recommendations? Still, he knew he needed an expert to audit his site, and recommend fixes where they were needed.
First Steps On the
Path to Number One
One day John decided to give Stephan a call. He was optimistic, but he half-expected things to go the same way they had with other consultants.
Like many SEOs, Stephan began with an audit of the Due.com site, and an analysis of John’s competitors. And, he put his findings in a report…
But there was one crucial difference to Stephan’s approach:Instead of simply handing over a list of recommendations, he got on a call with John, and walked him through the problems on his site, one by one. There was no jargon, no baffling technical stuff, just a clear explanation of what needed to be fixed.
Then, at the end of the call, Stephan gave John 10 simple, actionable items to complete.
It was that easy.Proof of concept
The first major issue that Stephan noticed was that Due.com had around 50 different categories, which made the site unnecessarily complex—both for Google, and John’s customers. The first step was to trim these unwieldy categories down. Next, they set about retroactively optimizing Due.com’s existing content—over 500 blog posts and 2000 images—and developing SEO guidelines for the creation and publishing of new content. Soon, John and Stephan had reduced Due.com’s categories down to 20, selected keywords for each blog post, and updated title tags, descriptions, and alt tags on the images. With Stephan’s guidance, each task was broken down into bite-sized pieces, and completed quickly and efficiently.
quick results
Once these initial changes were made, it wasn’t long before John and his team started noticing small but significant increases in traffic.
In fact, it took only three weeks before they realized that something magical was happening!
Normally, Due.com experienced month on month increases of between 3-5%.
Then, one month they were shocked when they received a staggering 40% increase in traffic.
The next month’s stats proved that this was no fluke: traffic increased again by 60%. Then, the following month they saw another 40% gain.
Where was all this traffic coming from?
Stephan’s recommendations had been spot on, and Due.com was climbing in the rankings.
Eventually, they managed to achieve high page-one rankings for competitive terms such as “online invoicing” and “invoice,” which were driving qualified traffic to lucrative parts of their site.
In addition, Stephan had noticed that Due.com wasn’t ranking for their own brand name, “due.” With his help, they managed to secure the number one spot for this highly-searched term, along with a laundry list of other valuable keywords.
the pay off
While John was happy with the month on month increases, it wasn’t until the 12 month mark that he really understood how much Due.com had achieved. When Stephan suggested he compare January’s traffic figures to the previous year, he was stunned.
In just 12 months, organic traffic had increased by over 554%!

Despite using SEO consultants in the past, John had never been able to achieve results like this…Not only that, but traffic was still steadily increasing by an impressive 15-20% per month. Now, with a solid set of rankings, Due.com has emerged as a major player in the online payments game. John credits Due.com’s SEO success to Stephan’s vast knowledge, along with his ability to work with his clients to produce results.
“One thing I really love and respect about Stephan,” John says,
“is that he’s excellent at giving good practical advice that non-technical people can easily understand, and implement.”
With our Monthly Membership
your investment is just
$97per month And remember everything you get:
- Access to all five course modules and over 18 hours of video
- Membership to exclusive Facebook group
- Live weekly jam session calls
- Monthly group coaching calls with Stephan Spencer
- Full access to archive of all jam sessions and group coaching calls
- Ongoing support from Stephan and his team
- The Traffic Control roadmap
- Course worksheets and quizzes
Here's What People Have to Say
About Working with Stephan
Why Choose Us?
You know that SEO is critical to your business. But you also know how easy it is to get overwhelmed by all the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to get ahead.
What if you had the SEO industry’s top techniques and best-kept secrets right at your fingertips?
What if you had ongoing support and one on one access to one of the industry’s top experts?
Imagine the impact this could have on your traffic and your bottom line.
You’ll get all this (and more) by enrolling in our Traffic Control membership program. You’ll get exclusive access to Stephan Spencer and his team of experts. By attending our monthly Group Coaching Calls, you’ll get the special chance to pick Stephan’s brain and learn cutting edge SEO strategies.
Have more immediate questions? You’ll get access to our Weekly Jam Sessions, where a member of Stephan’s team will answer your questions and clear the path to SEO success.
You’ll also get enrolled in our private Facebook Group to get direct feedback and interact with our stellar community of like-minded professionals.

Here’s our ironclad, no questions asked guarantee: Take 30 days to try the membership risk free… we are so confident in this course that we will assume all risk and will give you your money back if it doesn’t work for you.
All you have to do is notify us in the first 30 days of purchasing. If my membership isn’t everything that I say it is and you don’t feel like I’ve delivered, just ask for a refund. No worries. Fair enough?
Let’s Review
Here’s a rundown of what you’ll get when you sign up:
The SEO Keyword Treasure Map
Your keywords need to be relevant, popular and obtainable. Learn how to find your perfect keywords that your site can rank for that are also completely aligned with your ideal client’s or customer’s needs and desires.

Authority Builder
When you are known as an authority you have achieved expert status in your field. With this course, you get the roadmap to transform yourself into an authority. Learn how to hone your message for your tribe and attract raving fans.

Viral Social Media for Massive Traffic
There’s nothing like a successful viral social media campaign to grow your traffic and your business by leaps and bounds. Learn how to lay the groundwork for online authority that will power your SEO and open doors you might not know exist. Discover the secrets to creating viral content that spreads like wildfire.

Content Marketing Organic Traffic Fountain
Content marketing and SEO is a match made in heaven IF it’s done right. Unfortunately, far too often site owners waste time and effort creating content that is written for the wrong audience and also placed on sites that won’t benefit SEO one bit. If you want to build serious Google authority with content you’ve come to the right place.

Conversion Mastery
No matter where you are in your internet marketing career, you’ll want to turn your website into a finely tuned sales machine. Not only to get the most out of the traffic you are already getting, but also to lay the groundwork so that your traffic increases with your bottom line.
Course membership also includes:
Weekly Jam Sessions

Join your fellow members in our virtual weekly jam sessions. During these crucial weekly meetings, a member of Stephan’s team will answer your questions and guide you through even the most complex technical procedures.
Group Coaching Calls

Get direct guidance from SEO Wizard Stephan Spencer. He’ll take the group step-by-step on a journey to dominating SEO. Ask questions, seek feedback, and learn from one of the biggest names in all of SEO.
Private Facebook Group

Membership doesn’t just come with access to Stephan Spencer and his team of experts. You also get to be a part of a community of like-minded professionals. Post questions, share success stories, and engage with other professionals hell-bent on achieving SEO success.
Sign up now for our monthly membership
for just $97 per month
Frequently asked questions
How do I know that the Traffic Control membership is right for me?
If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or digital marketer struggling with SEO, membership will help you make real progress. Our proven roadmap for success will arm you with all the tools you need to succeed. You will surround yourself with a world renowned SEO expert, a highly skilled support team, and community of professionals to set yourself up for massive improvements to your SEO.
Will I get direct access to Stephan Spencer?
Yes! Each of the course modules were designed and recorded by SEO ninja Stephan Spencer. He screen shares as he walks you step-by-step through critical SEO tricks and insights. He also participates in group coaching calls, where you can ask him technical questions, seek feedback, and get secrets from one of the world’s best SEO experts.
Do I need any background SEO or technical knowledge?
Not at all! We start with the basics in a way that allows a basic learner to dive in, but also allow for a more advanced user to obtain a deeper knowledge. We're giving you an extensive look at SEO from start to finish, so if you're ready to learn, then we are ready to have you on board.
How does the money back guarantee work?
We don’t expect you to be unsatisfied with the membership. But just in case, you can ask for a refund on your first month of membership. All we ask is that you notify our team within 30 days of purchasing and we will issue a full refund, no strings attached.
Can you guarantee that I’ll reach the top of Google for competitive keywords?
You should be very skeptical of anyone who can guarantee something like that. Your success depends on the action you take to move your business forward. And while we can’t guarantee that you’ll reach the top of Google search, we DO guarantee that we will provide you with all of our course content, ongoing support, and feedback to give you the best possible chance for success.
How long does it take to see results?
Our accelerated program will give you the fastest path to SEO success. With that said, high-rankings and conversions don’t happen overnight. It often takes months to see the measurable results you desire. The course will payoff over time as long as you login, follow the courses, and ask questions.
Sandra Bradley
Practice Director, University of Wisconsin E-Business ConsortiumWe have had hundreds of presenters at our events over the years and Stephan is always one of the top most well-received. He brings top-notch expertise and real world examples that really resonate. I wouldn’t hesitate to put him into one of my lineups.
Taki Moore
Founder, Coach Marketing MachineI don’t know about you, but A. I know it’s important, B. I know I don’t know very much about it. What I do know though is that Stephan Spencer is the smartest cat I know in the world about SEO. I know because he does it every day for himself and his clients. So if you need SEO help, you should probably check him out.
Brent Csutoras
Social Media Strategist and Founder of Kairay MediaFor the better part of a decade, I have been talking about understands social media with Stephan and he is one between SEO of the few people related who really understands the blend between SEO and social media, and how it’s related to commerce, specifically ecommerce.
Ash Salleh
(former) SEO Lead, ZapposIn terms of ROI, it was a sizable investment for us at the time but absolutely worth every penny. He gave us a roadmap that we were working on for years after that engagement ended and again it was complete. So in summary, I recommend Stephan Spencer wholeheartedly. He’s certainly a thought leader in the industry and that was evident every moment that he worked with us.
Bill Krueger
Bill Krueger, Owner, BigPig SEO“I started listening to Stephan in 2006, when he essentially got me started in SEO. ”
There are very few masters of this craft but indeed, Stephan is one. I was in the Platinum Membership group for a little over a year, I think and found myself challenged often. The guy shoots straight and tells you what will pay off, and what won’t. Stephan, thanks for all the good info. I highly recommend this group!
Kevin Jessop
Kevin Jessop, Marketing Manager, alteeve.comI highly recommend this program and Stephan.
This program and the group coaching calls, in particular, have been invaluable. The thing that struck me most was that I did not even know what I did not know about SEO. Stephan and his team have broken SEO down in practical and easy to follow course modules. Bringing in examples of other thought leaders in SEO and other case studies is a powerful way to reinforce some of the concepts being taught in the courses. There are a lot of people who claim to do SEO. It is clear to me that Stephan is a leading authority in the field and his clients are lucky to have him on their team.