This is Stephan’s podcast appearance on The Mindset Game Podcast
In this week's episode, we're going to explore how tapping into your heart's intuitive guidance can be really helpful when making decisions. And I'm referring to the type of intuition or wisdom known as non-local intuition, which, according to the Institute of HeartMath, cannot be explained by things or knowledge that you've learned in the past or by sensing environmental signals. Now, Steve Jobs referred to this type of intuition when he said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
Now, as you listen to the light conversation I had with Stefan Spencer, I invite you to stay curious and open and perhaps to recall your own life experiences and synchronicities with regard to trusting your own intuitive guidance. Welcome to the Mindset Game Podcast. I'm your host, Vered Kogan. What if your life was a game where every thought and emotion was somehow creating the movie that you call your life? I am on a mission to help you play the Mindset Game consciously so you can leverage the incredible power of your mind to adapt better to change and create the life of your dreams.
So, hit subscribe and tune in weekly to learn how to master your mindset and transform your life. Welcome to the Mindset Game Podcast. I'm your host, Vered Kogan, and I'm so grateful to have a very special guest with us today, Stephan Spencer. Stephan is an internationally recognized SEO expert. He's a serial entrepreneur, a bestselling author of three books, a consultant, and a professional speaker. He has keynoted and spoken at hundreds of conferences and has contributed to numerous marketing journals, blogs, and magazines like the Harvard Business Review, Adweek, and many others. He currently hosts two top-rated podcasts that I highly encourage you to check out called: Marketing Speak and Get Yourself Optimized. Stephan, it is such a joy and an honor to have you here with us today. Thank you.
The honor is mine, Vared. Thank you.
So we always like to kick things up on this show with you, sharing a little bit of how in the world you got to do the cool things that you're doing today. Would you be willing to share a little bit of that story with us?
Sure. It's got a lot of left turns and surprises, and I dropped out of a PhD in the middle of it while studying for a PhD in biochemistry. I started an internet company in 1995, so that was a big shift. And then, in 1999, I got this wild idea that I could live anywhere in the world because of the Internet. So, I applied for permanent residency in New Zealand. And I got in and I convinced my wife at the time and my kids to make that move all the way around the world. And in 2010, I sold my agency. From 2010 to 2013, I took almost three years off.
I worked maybe not even half-time, but I would travel the world following Tony Robbins around. I was in what was called the Platinum Partnership. That was amazing and life-changing. Met my wife through Tony Robbins. I met her at Date with Destiny, one of his premier events. And yeah, it's just been a wild ride. I spent nine months in Israel and just got back in the States at the end of April. So that was an amazing time, a difficult time, of course, because of COVID, but also very rewarding, and the energy there was incredible. We're always on the move doing something interesting, and it's all about growth and contribution to me.
Well, thank you for sharing. I'm curious, like, what was it that, you know, whether it was intuition or something that led you to drop out of a PhD program? What was it?
Yeah, I don't believe in randomness. Everything happens for a reason. At the time, I was having a run-in with my advisor, who wanted me to be at the bench working all hours of the night. I had a young family, and I didn't like that idea. I rebelled against it. He gave me an ultimatum: either leave my lab or find another lab at the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
There was the option of dropping out and getting a master's degree instead of a PhD. I opted for that. I didn't want to start over, and I was questioning whether I wanted to end up doing a postdoc and then a professorship and all that. So, I decided I was going to jump onto the internet bandwagon. I had just gotten back from a conference at the time that had Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, as one of the keynote speakers.
That was pretty phenomenal. I got to meet one of the co-founders of Netscape, a guy named Rob McCool, who invented the Netscape server. That was very early days, 1994. People weren't even using Netscape yet. They were still using Mosaic. And so I was starstruck by all the internet luminaries I had met at this conference, the second international World Wide Web conference. And I decided, okay, I'm gonna just make that leap. A Chinese proverb says, "Leap and then the net will appear." Yeah, so.
I'm so grateful that you shared that with us because a lot of the people listening might have that kind of intuition or the kind of urge to do something, to do something gutsy and courageous like you did, right? They're on a path, and maybe it's a path that they can see themselves through—they should, they could, all that, but there's a part of them that says, "hmm, what if," right? "This is not quite it for me." So what would you say to those individuals who are there but are just experiencing so much fear of the unknown? And they're kind of doubtful of those instincts.
Well, fear is the opposite of love. It's not hate that's the opposite of love. It's fear. So, if you live in fear, you live in the opposite of love. And that's a real shame. So, I want to be outside of my comfort zone as much as possible. That means stretching myself and feeling uncomfortable or being outside of my area of expertise or having something about it that doesn't feel natural. And it's not that I don't want to be in the state of flow and be natural and all that. It's that I want to grow all the time. And I want to grow proactively.
I don't want to get hit in the head by a brick by the universe in order to make a change. I want to do it on my own calling and to be able to do this because I chose it rather than reacting to something that happened in my life. I learned years and years ago that the universe drops these very gentle feathers on you and on your shoulder, and you can very easily ignore them. The problem is, if you ignore them long enough, they turn into bricks, and then those bricks, when they fall on you, they hurt, and you can continue to ignore them.
But then the Mack truck shows up, and that's really, really bad. So, I don't even want the bricks to show up. Heck, I don't even want the feathers to show up yet. I want to use my intuition to preempt those feathers and say, okay, I'm going to beat the feather. I'm going to intuit the feather before it even lands on me. And so I'm constantly looking for opportunities like that.
Well, let's dive right into this topic of intuition and synchronicity because it's a topic that, for many people, is kind of unknown. It's like there's a part of them that believes it, but a part of them doesn't believe it, perhaps. And yet, it's a natural thing that we all experience in some way in our life. It's a universal human experience. One of the things that I know from my training with the Institute of Heart Math is a research institution that studies the optimal state, right?
That optimized kind of state of flow is that when we are coherent when we're in a state of alignment, and when we ask for guidance, then we can trust what comes back to us in the form of intuition. Their research with serial entrepreneurs, there was a lot of research done out of Australia and other areas where they saw that those individuals were successful over and over and over again. Sometimes, what they decided went against data and against the evidence of what they could or should do. But yet, 80% of them trusted their intuition, and that is what they credit for their success. How does that fit for you? What have you noticed as you look back at your very successful career?
Yeah, so I didn't realize that these were intuitive hits until after the fact, many years after the fact in some cases. For example, when I decided to move to New Zealand, that was against conventional wisdom. At the time, it was the late 90s; everyone was moving from, let's say, the Midwest, where I was based at the time in Wisconsin, moving to the Bay Area, to Silicon Valley. That's where everything was happening. People thought I was nuts about moving to New Zealand. Like, that's an island in the middle of nowhere. Why? You should be moving to Silicon Valley. That's where you're going to get really big. And I'm like, no, it doesn't feel right to me. It feels like I should be going to New Zealand. And they're like, why? Why New Zealand? I don't know.
It's just inside of me. There's something driving me to New Zealand. I have no idea what that is, but I know it's going to be amazing. And I didn't have a name for it. I didn't call it intuition. I just knew that I wanted to be in New Zealand. And it ended up being the most beautiful time that we spent there. It was seven and a half years. It was magical. We ended up being very successful because of it, not just in terms of quality of life and lifestyle but also in terms of business. For example, we were able to acquire really incredible talent because we were paying in US dollars and spending money in Kiwi dollars and New Zealand dollars. At the time, it was about 40 cents to the dollar. It was a real bargain to hire the top talent.
Kiwi companies and New Zealand companies couldn't afford to spend the kind of money that we were willing to spend because we had US clients. It worked out beautifully. We were able to grow, but we had an office block from the beach. Browns Bay was magical. It wasn't until a year ago, just about exactly a year ago, that I had a psychic reading, the first one in my entire life. The guy who gave me the reading was a guest on my podcast, and he saved a family member's life during my interview with him, which I can get to know.
So, I was curious. It had cracked open the door to this whole world of psychic phenomena, the unseen world. So I had a reading with him, and he nailed it. He had so many things to tell me that he couldn't have known any other way than to tap into what my wife calls the universal Google. Okay, so he knew. He just knew things that I had even forgotten about my mother, for example. He knew. So in this reading, at the end of it, he's telling me, Stephan, pay attention to your intuition and follow it.
I didn't understand the significance of that. I didn't understand that intuition was the whispers of your angels, your higher self, or the upper realms speaking to your consciousness. I did not understand that at the time. All I knew was that my simple understanding of intuition was just a gut feeling, but it sunk in. I paid attention to what he said, and I implemented it in my life. Things have been amazing, amazing, miraculous, and nothing short of miraculous because I have been following my intuition. Somebody pops into my mind, and I call them even though I haven't spoken to them for two or three-five years. Now, somebody pops into my mind, and I'll at least shoot them an email or send them a text if I don't have time to make a phone call.
And that might seem silly, like that's just random synapses firing, but the thing is, nothing's random, especially if it just comes in completely without prompting. It's just unexpected, which comes in unexpected, emotionally charged, and neutral. There's no anxiety, excitement, fear, or anything associated with it; it simply is. And it stays there. It doesn't move. It doesn't jump to the next thought, to the next thought, to the next thought, to the next thought, to the next thing you know, you're like, Oh yeah, that's right. I need to pick up milk from the store or whatever. No, it just sticks. And that's an intuitive hit. Pay attention to those.
Well, would you be willing to share a couple of those stories for some people that are like, I get it conceptually, but give me some more evidence here. What things have happened to you or for you?
Well, after I had prayed for God to give me a job, and this came from me interviewing another psychic, Sheila Gillette, and prepping for that interview, seeing her explain in this interview, this video interview that I watched her near-death experience and how she had prayed to God, "Please let me stay on this planet, let me raise my kids, give me a job, just give me a job, please give me a job." And I just, that stuck with me for months. Finally, a few months later, I decided I was gonna pray for a job, too. And then, I don't know how else to describe it, but the veils were thinned or lifted. And so I could see much more about how the universe worked than all these.
Without a doubt, signs started showing up in my life.
And I'll give a quick example of one. Now, this is beyond intuition because intuition just feels like you're just following your gut to a lot of folks. At least, you know, that's what I understand from the people I've talked to. But when you get a without a doubt sign, you think, whoa, we're living in a simulation or something. This is just too out there. An example of that is when I was reading a book that guided me to follow my intuitive breadcrumbs to get to that point. It was a spiritual book, and it turned out that I was supposed to follow this particular author's writings and recommendations. A life-changing event happened because I followed these intuitive breadcrumbs that led to her.
So, I'm reading her book, and I haven't even bought it yet. I was just starting this process, so I used Amazon's Look Inside the Book feature. So I'm reading through the introduction or first chapter or whatever, but I'm also listening to a podcast in the background at the same time, which I don't recommend. It's not multitasking. Yeah, it doesn't work. Doesn't work. But I was doing it and the word I am reading at the very moment I'm reading it comes through the podcast and the audio, which was really wild. That had never happened to me before. But I didn't do anything with it. All I did was keep reading and listening.
And I'm like, "Whoa, that's wild. That's a without a doubt sign." Okay. So, in retrospect, that wasn't just a hello. This is why you need to get off your bot and take some action here. You get these angel numbers and all these things like one, one, one, one, all the time. Or it's not just, "Hi, we're here. We love you." I mean, that's part of it, but a lot of it's like, okay, now it's time to tune in and. Turn up the volume, increase your download bitrate or whatever. So you're not just getting angel numbers; you're getting complete messages, instructions, ideas, and inventions, right? Whatever. So I'm continuing to read and listen, and it happens again five minutes later. I'm like, "Whoa, okay, I got it. I got it. I'm supposed to do something here." At that time, I did remember what the word was because that's a question I often get.
What was the word that? It was repeated; it was the word parents. The word parents, I'm listening to an episode of the Melissa Rivers show about coronavirus. And it wasn't about parenting. It was about coronavirus. There was a patient on there, and there was a doctor, and there was room last year. So I'm listening to that. The book is a spirituality book. It was called Ask Whitedove by Michelle White Dove. And that wasn't about parenting either. Now, I don't remember what the first word was because it was just weird for me. It didn't register. I didn't think about what was that word again. I just kept reading, as I said, that second time that got my attention to the nth degree.
So then I stopped what I was doing. I went to her website, and I ended up joining the Patreon community. And there's some life-changing stuff in there that I that I found. But if I hadn't done something with that hit, it was, like I said, more than an intuitive hit. It was a big neon sign flashing in front of my face like, hey, this is important. And if you want those sorts of things, ask for them, pray for them, because they'll come. If you want dreams, ask for dreams. That was another thing. I watched a webinar from Karen Noe, this amazing medium, who explained how to receive messages from angels and from loved ones who have passed.
And I'm like, okay, I'm going to try this. And I asked for a dream. And to be woken up from the dream so that I could remember it. And I got the most beautiful, incredible, otherworldly vision type of dream that I'd never received before. It was heavenly. It was absolutely heavenly. And that was the very night that I had watched the webinar and prayed for a vision like that, prayed for a dream.
Yeah. So you can open yourself up to it. You know, even if you're a skeptic, I was a skeptic. I was agnostic. Almost atheistic until age 42. Scientists, you know, are always about the scientific method, testing stuff out, biohacking and life hacking and reverse engineering things, and algorithms. But yeah, there's so much more to life. It really is like the matrix, but we're not batteries.
Thank you for these stories and these examples. That's kind of the coolest way to learn things, so we're curious too. Just experiment and see what shows up for ourselves. You know, it's very interesting because I've been trained in a variety of modalities to connect with our deeper self, our deeper knowing. One of those is Hawaiian Huna, ancient Hawaiian Huna. Very briefly, in Huna, we speak of the higher conscious mind or superconscious mind, or some might call it spirit.
Yeah, different names, right? HeartMath might call it the non-local intuition, yeah, whatever label we give to that. We have the conscious mind, and we have the unconscious or subconscious mind. And to your point about asking for it, in HUNA, we believe that there is no direct link between the conscious mind and our higher self. It is really when we integrate our conscious and unconscious mind when there is a state of coherence.
Then we ask for guidance that really our highest and best self can present itself to us in the form of intuition or a synchronistic event of something that will guide us to the path of least resistance so that we can get what we want. And so what that means is that if I am asking consciously or unconsciously asking for guidance or help from a state of fear and distress, then what's coming back to me might not be trustworthy.
Where we know it is trustworthy is when we're coherent, when we are feeding the field around our body with love. We are expanding that field. And when we ask from that state, then we can trust that. And the only way to know that is to take those actions and notice what evolves, right? Those kinds of feathers, if you will, as you said. Now, a lot of people say to me, well, what if I don't follow the feather or that urge to make the call or listen to the podcast or get on Amazon and read the book? What will happen? And so, what is your answer to that?
One of the books I'm reading is it's called You Were Born for This. And it's about creating or not creating, delivering miracles in everyday life, like all the time. And if you get this intuitive hit, pull off the road and help somebody who's a stranded motorist or give money to a homeless person. Yeah, don't ignore it or talk to the person. Because that person could, later on, decide to commit suicide, but something you said or something you did change their mind. And if you take this seriously and do not just wait for it reactively but proactively ask for it, just like you ask for a dream, and you might get it, you could ask to deliver miracles.
And that's part of the book. And that's something that I was led to. Again, this was a synchronistic, meant for my event to be in this mastermind with seven other entrepreneur men who were all reading this book I'd never heard of before together. And it just so happened it started the following week after I met the guy who was running this group. He told me about the book. There's something that told me I needed to tell him about a book that I hadn't even read yet. And I still haven't read it. This was like five months ago.
It was called My Utmost for His Highest. Something told me I needed to tell him about the book. And he's like, that's one of my favorite books. Yeah, it's from the 1920s. It's not exactly a new bestseller, but I've read it a bunch of times. It's right here on my bookshelf. That's amazing. And later on in the conversation, he invites me to be in this mastermind. He's like, I don't know you very well. This is our first conversation, and I wasn't planning on doing this, but I feel called to do it to invite you in this mastermind. We're reading a book together, you were born for this and so forth. And one aspect of that book that really stands out for me is the asking. I do that all the time. Most days, I ask God to send me; here I am, please send me. And he sends me, and the stuff that I end up delivering for him, I know has saved lives, at least has changed the course of their lives massively for the better.
In many cases, so ask, just simply ask. Oh, and there's another piece I wanted to mention: you were talking about the conscious and the unconscious. There's also the collective unconscious. And this is something that Carl Jung wrote quite a lot about and did a lot of research on. And that's the field, that's where you tap into the knowing whether you know somebody is not feeling well, or they're suicidal or whatever. And you didn't even see them. You just get this intuitive hip that you need to call that person. You're tapped into a collective unconscious. You're also tapped into angels in the higher realms. But, you know, it depends on what your belief system is, whether you're receptive to that or not. I didn't really, as I said, believe in angels and much of anything supernatural until recent years until I was in my 40s, but everyone has their own journey.
But if you like science and you respect Carl Jung and his work, he's the guy who came up with the term synchronicity. He was experiencing synchronicity firsthand, and he was so taken by it that he decided to start a whole branch of research into it and write an entire book on it. And, of course, he coined the term in the process. The book is called Synchronicity, and the phenomenon is called Synchronicity. And the way it started is he was in his office with a patient doing a psychoanalysis session. He hears a tap on his window. Now, there are three stories up. So it's not like somebody tapping on the window three stories up, right? The room is darkened for the session. So why would somebody be trying to tap on a three-story-up window?
And it's a darkened room. It doesn't make any sense, right? But it was insistent. So he finally gets up, checks the window, and lo and behold, at the window is something that defies all logic. Well, what I need to tell you is the woman that was being psychoanalyzed. She was in the middle of a dream recall. She was talking about this necklace. It was a scarab necklace. It was very significant, this necklace and the dream. And what was tapping on her old window was a scarab beetle. Like, what are the odds?
It's essentially zero. This was an otherworldly event. He opens the window, lets the scarab beetle in, catches it, and presents it to this woman who believed in nothing supernatural, nothing that wasn't tangible and of the scene world. He presents it to her. Here's your scarab beetle, as she's recalling the scarab beetle necklace in the dream. Changed her life. Also changed his life, as you know, because he started down this whole branch of research and study.
Thank you for sharing that story. In this podcast, we talk a lot about the power of thought and the power of emotions. You said at the very beginning I followed a feeling. That's what you didn't know; it was intuition, but it was just a feeling. It's not something that we can hold in our hand, per se, but yet we know from research that thoughts and emotions are things. We can measure vibrations, and we can measure things for those people who are listening and are very curious now might not believe in God or the universe or whatever that is. And just to be curious, to suspend disbelief long enough to just have their own experiences.
And that's the only way to know what is true for us. Perhaps they should follow an intuitive insight and be curious without any attachment to an outcome and notice what is true and right for them. So, for those individuals who want to start a business, grow a business, or change careers. There's some lack of fulfillment or curiosity where they are now in that part of their life. What do you recommend? Since you've been a very successful serial entrepreneur, you've done a lot of things, and you've met a lot of people. What do you recommend for those individuals with regard to their inner world? What can they tap into? What, if anything, can support them in taking those next right steps?
So, if they don't believe in anything supernatural or bigger than themselves, then I would start by reading the book Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, who experienced a near-death experience and was forever changed by it. And he is a neuroscientist, a very brilliant man, and very credible. And so I would start there. And as you said, this idea of suspending disbelief is critically important. So go through your day with this mindset of the willing suspension of disbelief. That will open you up to miracles. If you already believe in a higher power, and you just don't know how to have a conversation with your higher power, whether you call it God, or the divine, or the universe, or whatever, by the way, I would suggest. This is just a suggestion, but I would suggest maybe not referring to God as the universe because the universe is both good and bad. Right, what's the word? Help me out here.
Duality. Polarity.
It's duality, yeah, it's duality. So, if you're asking the universe for things, you're asking for the negative as well. I mean, we learn from the negative, and the hand of God is in everything. So even the tragedies and the travesties and all the stuff that we don't want in life, also be sure to be grateful for that stuff because, in the bigger picture, it is all for your highest good. If you can trust that the hand of God is behind everything and then you start asking God for things that will help you to show up more powerfully in life and not just for God to be like a genie granting your wishes like I want a bigger car and house and whatever, but instead I want more wisdom.
I want more certainty. I want more desire to change the world, to fix whatever my issues are in my own personal life or whatever. If you pray for those things, you know, every prayer is heard, every prayer is heard. Not every prayer is answered in the way that you want it, but every single prayer is heard. So if you pray to God or whatever you want to call God, other than the duality of the universe, because you're going to get a lot of stuff you don't want, more than if you just pray directly to God. So, you know, that's something that I would recommend, so start asking and make this more of a dialogue. Pray, pray, pray is just you asking, you talking. I'm not a great conversationalist if all you do is talk, right?
If, on the other hand, you're listening even more than you're talking, which is the sign of a really good conversationalist in person. So, listen more than you talk, and how do you listen? Meditate. Now, you're not going to get the messages probably during your meditations. Still, it's going to quiet your monkey mind and allow you to receive also if you focus your mind on pure thoughts, which then lead to pure words and pure action, so you are congruent with purity.
Don't watch porn, don't lust after the neighbor's wife or any of that stuff because that messes with your ability to receive messages. So, if you are interested in this being a conversation with God with your higher power, then you need to listen. Part of the secret to success with listening in this regard is to meditate and quiet that monkey mind. And then the second piece is to be as pure as possible. Thought, word, and deed.
Thank you. Thank you, Stephan, for sharing that. And it's very aligned with what we know from research in terms of the techniques out of HeartMath that does a lot of research on non-local intuition, intuition that comes from a field beyond time and space, which we know that the physical heart is connected to something beyond time and space. A variety of experiments have shown that the physical heart decelerates, so it depends on something that hasn't even happened yet, a few seconds before an event.
So we know that there is something there. And what you're sharing is absolutely aligned, right? So you talked about this duality, you know, because everything in creation has two ends to it. Yeah, fear, love, right? However, you want to look at it, right? These two ends. So when we are able to be in that state of love or appreciation and compassion, right? You mentioned at the beginning that there's fear and there's love, right? When we are in that state of love, then essentially, if you imagine a triangle, right, where we've got the two bottom ends of the triangle right here, when you are in a state of love, then what happens is that your conscious and unconscious mind are working together harmoniously, right?
Head, heart, gut, it's all working together. And in that state, you're able to receive that non-local intuition from that place. So what that means is that, in essence, I am asking my higher self when I'm in that coherent state, and I'm able to receive it because I'm kind of at the tip of the triangle. I kind of accept what is, and I'm kind of at the tip of this neutral, objective place where I'm not attached to either side of the dichotomy, either end, and I'm just in a state of receiving whatever comes, being very, very curious. And as you said, following those little breadcrumbs, those little feathers, because they are there for a reason for us, even when there's a little bit of fear or doubt, just to suspend that long enough to experiment, you know, of course, and see what might happen, of course, in a healthy way, making sure that we're honoring our own values and other people's values.
Yeah, yeah. And guard your mindset because it's not just about purity and having a higher vibration or thought pattern that allows the coherence. Still, also it's about tuning in to whoever, whatever beings, your higher self, et cetera, that want to give you messages and when you are in a lower vibrational state, you are in a lower mental or emotional state, you are inviting in not the best of recommendations because the lower level entities are then whispering into your consciousness instead. And it's not just about getting these intuitive hits; it's about the synchronicities, too.
So here's an example of a synchronicity. I had no idea that you were going to talk about heart math so much, and right on my desk right here is a Heart Math Box that I still need to open. And it's here because I haven't opened it yet, and those are yours, of course. We talked earlier before starting this interview about biohacking, and I was going to go grab a bunch of biohacking gadgets and things. This wasn't one of the things that I grabbed. Yes, I have a bunch of gadgets and things on my desk now for our interview in case we talk about biohacking. This was on there beforehand. Another example of synchronicity in action. So, it doesn't have to be an intuitive fit. It could be a chance meeting, but that's not by chance. Nothing is random.
Thank you, thank you, Stephan. I know that those who are curious to learn more about HeartMath and the research on non-local intuition can go to heartmath.org, put in a search for non-local intuition, or just Google that, and that research will come up.
Stephan, I'm so, so grateful for your love, for your wisdom, and for everything that you're sharing with us today, whether listeners or entrepreneurs want to be entrepreneurs or anyone who wants to live their highest, best, healthiest life.
What you shared with us are really practical tips that, if nothing else, make us more curious to play and engage with our world at a new level. Thank you for your time. How can people learn more about you, your podcasts, and your books? There's so much wealth of love and wisdom that you have to share. Where can we go?
Well, I would start with Get Yourself Optimized, which is the podcast all about spirituality and biohacking, life hacking, productivity, and personal development. That's a passion project for me. My area of focus in my business world right now is search engine optimization. If you're interested in learning more about marketing and search engine optimization, then go to StephanSpencer.com or Netconcepts.com. Both of those sites have a wealth of information in those realms.
But I'm also working on a self-help book, which will come out probably in another year's time, on personal development type stuff and spirituality. So I'm very excited about that. Yeah, start with Get Yourself Optimized first. And if that intrigues you, then I would start reading up on some spirituality, stuff like Four Agreements or Celestine Prophecy or whatever tickles your fancy to get you going because your intuitive higher self, whatever you wanna call it, is going to lead you to the right resources and it's gonna be an amazing journey. So I'm excited for you.
Thank you, Stephan. Once again, you're just a wonderful soul, and I'm very grateful to you.
Thank you. And you are a wonderful soul as well. And so are you a listener.
That's right. That's right. Sometimes, we need that reminder. So, thank you for reminding everyone out there that they're not alone.
We're never alone.
That's this week's episode of the Mindset Game Podcast. Visit us at themindsetgame.com for more. And remember to play the Mindset Game consciously to master your mindset and transform your life.
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We respect the importance of online privacy to users of our Site, especially when conducting business. Here we explain our Privacy Policy and answer questions for users of the Site (“Visitors”), either who visit without transacting business or who register with us to conduct business on the Site (“Authorized Customers”) and make use of the various services offered by StephanSpencer.com. “Personally Identifiable Information” This means any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. Personally Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected anonymously (meaning, without identification of the individual user) or demographic information that is not connected to any specific individual. What kinds of information do you collect? We may collect basic user profile information from our Visitors. We collect this additional information from our Authorized Customers: name, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, the type and size of the business, and the nature and amount of the purchase that the Authorized Customer intends to make. We collect Personally Identifiable Information only for the specific, explicit and legitimate purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Our use of personal data for any purpose other than for which the data were initially collected is only done when it is still compatible with the original purpose. For example, we may tailor communications to suit the interests of Visitors and Approved Customers based on analysis of their Site use and personal information. By providing this information to us you freely give consent to our collection of Personally Identifiable Information in order to serve you. What other organizations are collecting information? Our third party service vendors (such as credit card companies) who may provide credit, insurance, and escrow services, may collect information from our Visitors and Authorized Customers. We do not control how these third parties use this information, but we do ask them to disclose how they use personal information. Third parties may also be intermediaries and do not store, retain, or use the information given to them. How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information? We use Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make appealing service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling requests. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers about research, purchase and selling opportunities or information related to subject matter on the Site. We may also use Personally Identifiable Information to contact you in response to specific inquiries or provide information that you request. Who do you share this information with? Personally Identifiable Information about Authorized Customers may be shared with other Authorized Customers who wish to evaluate potential transactions. We may share aggregated information about our Visitors and Authorized Visitors with our affiliated agencies and third-party vendors. This aggregated information is not linked to any personal information that can identify an individual person. We also offer you the opportunity to “opt out” of receiving information or being contacted by us or by any agency acting on our behalf. We do not transfer personally identifiable data entrusted to us to any international location. How is Personally Identifiable Information stored? All Personally Identifiable Information collected by StephanSpencer.com is securely stored and is not accessible to third parties or employees of StephanSpencer.com except for use as indicated above. What choices are available to me regarding collection, use and distribution of my information? You may choose to opt-out of receiving unsolicited information from us or being contacted by us or our vendors and affiliated agencies simply by responding to emails using the opt-out feature, or by contacting us directly. Contact information is listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. You may also contact us to request deletion of an account and any Personally Identifiably Information it contains. This is commonly known as “the right to erasure” and “the right to be forgotten.” Are Cookies used on the Site? We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of our Visitors and the services they select. This provides you with a better experience. We also use Cookies for security purposes to protect our Authorized Customers. For example, if an Authorized Customer is logged on but inactive for an extended period of time, we will automatically log out the Authorized Customer. Our Cookie Policy can be reviewed here. How does StephanSpencer.com use login information? The Site uses login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track Visitors’ movement and use, and gather broad demographic data. What partners or service providers have access to Personally Identifiable Information? StephanSpencer.com has partnerships and other affiliations with a number of vendors. These vendors may have access to certain Personally Identifiable Information on a need-to-know basis for evaluating Authorized Customers for service eligibility, such as credit card authorization when making purchases. Our privacy policy does not cover their collection or use of this information. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information when required to comply with law. We are required to disclose Personally Identifiable Information in order to comply with a court order, subpoena or a request from a law enforcement agency to release that information. We will also disclose Personally Identifiable Information when reasonably necessary to protect the safety of our Visitors and Authorized Customers. How does the Site keep my Personally Identifiable Information secure? Our employees are trained in our security policy and practices. While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to Personally Identifiable Information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment. We also audit our security systems and processes on a regular basis. Sensitive information, such as credit card or Social Security numbers, is protected by leading encryption protocols to protect the information you share with us. You can verify this by looking for a lock icon in the address bar and looking for “https” at the beginning of the address of the Web page. While we take commercially reasonable measures to maintain a secure site, electronic communications and databases are subject to errors, tampering and break-ins, and we cannot guarantee or warrant that such events will not take place and we will not be liable to Visitors or Authorized Customers for such occurrences. How can I correct any inaccuracies in my Personally Identifiable Information? Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update Personally Identifiable Information or to correct any inaccuracies by emailing us: contact@stephanspencer.com Your access to and control over your information You may opt out of any future contact from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number provided on the Site and at the end of this Privacy Police notice: See what data we have about you, if any. Change/correct any data we have about you. Have us delete any data we have about you. Express any concern you have about our use of your data. How can I delete or deactivate my Personally Identifiable Information on the Site? You can delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information you have shared from the Site’s database at any time by contacting us. However, because of computer backups and records of deletions, some residual information may be retained, but not accessed or used. An individual who requests to have Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have this information functionally deleted at the time the request is made. We do not sell or transfer Personally Identifiable Information relating to that individual in any way. What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? We alert our Visitors and Authorized Customers to changes in our Privacy Policy by posting notice of any changes on the Site, along with the date the changes take effect, at the top of the Privacy Policy page. Links The Site contains links to other websites. When you click on one of these links, you will move to another website. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects Personally Identifiable Information. Email communication By providing information to this Site that enables communication with you, such as an email address, you waive all rights to file complaints concerning unsolicited email or “spam” from the Site. By providing the email information, you also agree to receive communications from the Company, Koshkonong LLC, and its affiliated organizations. However, all of our email communication with you contains an “unsubscribe” link to use if you no longer wish to receive solicitations or information from the Site. Your email address will then be removed from our general solicitation database. Commitment to Data Security We take all reasonable measures to protect data that contains information related to you. However, no security system is completely impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information cannot be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. As a consideration for viewing this Site, you waive any and all claims against the Company for damages of any nature and you further acknowledge that the Company is not responsible for damages to you arising from any misuse of your Personal Information. Age restrictions By using this site, you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age. Disputes In the event of any dispute, claim or controversy (collectively “Dispute”) between you and the Company, including but not limited to Disputes arising from: use of this Site; the Privacy Policy; the Terms of Use; any purchases made in connection with this Site; or any other claims whether in contract, tort or otherwise, you hereby consent and agree that such Dispute shall be settled by binding arbitration by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with the Arbitration Rules then in effect. The hearing shall be conducted in Los Angeles, California. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon all parties and any award of the arbitrator(s) may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. The prevailing party shall be awarded all filing fees and related costs. Administrative and all other costs of enforcing an arbitration award, witness fees, payment of reasonable attorney’s fees, and costs related to collecting an arbitrator’s award, will be added to the amount due pursuant to this provision. Questions involving contract interpretation shall be subject to the laws of California. CONTACT US If you have questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: StephanSpencer.com Koshkonong LLC 6516 Monona Drive # 114 Monona, WI 53716-4026 (608) 729-5910
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